Friday, April 23, 2010

Dannel Harris Gives New Face

Jensen Ackles supported his fiance Danneel Harris on the red carpet at the premiere of The Back-Up Plan.  Of course, Danneel is only in the flick for a couple of minutes, but it gave us a chance to see the couple that doesn't really get seen together.

As Jensen spread his sexiness and posed for some awkward pictures with Danneel, whispers of Danneel's new face spread like wildfire.  To take on look at the girl, it is clear to see that the face we are all used to hating has went and changed on us.  Her eyebrows no longer move and her face seemed to be pulled tight.  However, one look at her neck reveals her age.

I am never one to judge people on their looks, but no matter how much I dislike someone, when they appear with a new face it is hard to stay quiet.

The couple is set to wed in a little under a month and we all are hoping that Jensen will see the light and not marry this plastic bitch.  Sadly, Jared went through with his wedding, though that made more sense than this one.  Jensen and Danneel are so obviously wrong for each other that it makes me wish for Jensen's dirty laundry to come out.  But like I have said before, I'm sure Danneel knows all about it.  She never had so much publicity until she hooked up with Jen.  It will be interesting to see how this all transpires.  Wonder if I can score an invite?


  1. I thought she looked different but wasnt sure until I saw the pictures side-by-side. She had a hard look before, now she appears frozen. I don't want any dirty laundry out about Jensen, but as you say I hope he comes to his senses.

  2. ...difficult not to follow in Jared's footsteps...would this be their attempt at washing dirty laundry?...

  3. Okay, someone explain this to me: why do young people do this shit to their faces? She looks puffy and well... more like one of those "real dolls".

  4. You should look at their pics (and a vid) when Jensen and Danneel leave Katsuya restaurant. Her face never moves, it does not matter if she looks at Jensen, at the street singer or at her own fit. I do wonder what makes a woman of 31 inject as much Botox as a 40+ woman would!

    And if they marry for PR and to hide their dirty laundry, I hope the shit they try to hide catches up with them eventually. Too many fans think they are the perfect couple and to fool them like this..>WRONG!

  5. I agree with everything you said GB!! And i thought looked different but i really wasnt sure until now, haha thanks for showing the light, and They really dont belong together, i just it in my guy just somthing off between them two, i jusrt dont know what but i just hope Jensen can see the light and come out! gay /bi with another man, with Jared i dont care just doing this to himself is heartbreaking. Thank you!

  6. Bloody hell, for a second there I thought she was Rose McGowan!

  7. Seems like they're turning up the volume, getting photographed together now that the wedding is slowly drawing nearer.

    For the record: I actually do think she's pretty, but she'd be a lot more attractive if her face still moved. It looks like someone literally ironed out all the possible crinks. Jesus.

  8. Well well well, isn't this interesting. I've said for ages they shouldn't be together, its a farce. Its nothing short of a slap in the face to the fans out there who love Jensen for who he is. Some of us don't care what he does in the bedroom, as long as he's not hurting children. We will still love him.
    I read body language as part of my job, it says so much more than words. If you look at some photos and such there is something def. going on there. Whether it's Jensen hating the paparazzi or what, there are seconds of honesty that shows he is not happy.
    Please Jensen, don't make yourself miserable a second more. Unless you've murdered small children there isn't much you can do that will make some of us stop loving you. Put things in perspective.

  9. What does his bodily language say? What are the indicators etc?

  10. Hid body language says eveything! Rigid, i mean i can read body language well, but you dont even have to be a expert to see that he is unhappy, i mean just tlook at him, just something in his eyes, that is deadish, and just isnt happy with her, Jared on the other hand yeah, he is i can tell, and others even his fans, but with her no.

  11. I don't think I've seen one picture of him looking happy with Danneel. For a magazine, yeah, they make a pretty picture. But real life, I sure hope behind closed doors they're actually happy but I do doubt it. I don't think it's the photographers that make him sad - he's happy with Jared and friends, just not the woman he's supposed to love. Does she have something on him or what? I just don't get it. The wedding will happen since nothing up to this point has called it off - especially with her recent gabbyiness which has now stopped. Wow - a few minutes on a screen and now she's a star. Ha!

  12. To the body language reader...what's your take on Jared and Gen? There's been a ton of pictures of them but I can't decide. I've heard different interpretations on it. Odd too...where's the gossip on these two?

  13. This picture of the two of them is awlful! How much more can two people look to dislike each other?! They're supposed to be in love. Right and Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston are BFFs.

  14. I couldn't tell from the picture that she had work done here. I just thought her freaky fake eyelashes were the culprit. Yes, at such a young age, why? I can't believe she thinks she'll get more roles from it. And please, her few minutes on screen in a bomb of a JLo movie won't do much for her either.

  15. So GB, what dirty laundry does Jensen have? Do you know or you just guessing he does since most people do? We want more please!

  16. P.S. Thanks so much for saying it like we all feel. You rock!

  17. I did go out and look at the other pictures of them together on the red carpet and they all look just plain sad. Body language and facial expressions...they both seem pretty indifferent to each other. Yep, very sad.

  18. Why could GB 'see it' in regards to Jared's wedding? Is that marriage made from love? Is that what he is saying.

    Ironically, if these guys - J2 - are trying to save their images by bearding, it's backfiring. They are losing fans, because people are disgusted with their lack of backbone. Come on guys - you'll never be big time, who cares is you prefer d**k?

    Also, these guys are being defined by their beards...and that ain't good. Jared now seems insipid and untalented...sound familiar...and Jensen is giving off skank vibes.

    So sad, too bad.

  19. Wow you all said a lot. The body language thing is something I saw a while back. I mean she poses like she is with well anyone else always a pose. You might think it is for the cameras but sometimes even what looks spontaneous seems posed does that make sense. It all sounds so sad. Shouldn't they of all people be happy they have money and each other? Wow it must suck to be them if they have to marry to cover secrets? I mean like everyone else we do stupid things I hope beyond all else that Jensen marries for the right reasons. Though I admit he has that sad little boy look quite often at the cons when he is looking around while Jared is talking to see who is watching him(jensen) Sorry things not coming out well. Maybe I am just rambling. It seems like a mess either way.

  20. to the anon who said they have seen heaps of pics of jared/gen, can you post a link? i haven't many of them together, and the ones i have seen are not good. (though jensen/danneel's are worse).

    it almost seems like he doesn't even try to act happy with her.
    the wedding will definitely happen, im sure.

    also what does gossip boy mean that jared/gen's wedding made more sense. when he posted an article about it the title was 'jared glues on the beard'. dont get it?

  21. I agree with everyone here. Jensen and Danneel appear stiff even when they are supposed to be having fun say at the Breeders Cup or a Golf Tournament. Just fake to me, the smiles, the poses, all of it. Also, Gossip Boy, please tell us "why is Jared's marriage make more sense and what 'dirty laundry' of Jensen's are we talking about? I know you can't say but give us a hint? Is it his sexuality, his younger days of partying, etc? Anyway, yes, the marriage will take place but that means nothing to me, a beard is a beard.

  22. "also what does gossip boy mean that jared/gen's wedding made more sense. when he posted an article about it the title was 'jared glues on the beard'. dont get it?"

    Actually I recall this older article by GB too. And it is either he recycles the gossip he reads elsewhere (at the time of Jared's wedding a certain fraction of SPN fandom claimed Jared had to take the bullet first and marry GenC so that Jensen can drop Danneel liek a rock). Now some fans think that Jared and Gen are at least connected by friendship and have some warmth towards each other, not a contract and rigid awkwardness that saturates everything Jensen and Danneel are. Or maybe GB has warmed up to Jared and Gen because so far they seem to keep low profile. But I am sure that would be different if Gen had any excuse of a movie or a show to promote. She does not. I don't know who is worse actress, she or Danneel.

  23. I hope GB isn't going all Ted C on us and retracting his beard article regarding Jared's wedding. I had a convo with GB about Jared yesterday via twitter and he told me that a) Jared wasn't completely innocent in the chad/paris scenario in australia (I wondered if Jared and Chad ever had a thing or if GB was Chad) and b) that he briefly dated a friend of Jared's so i'm not sure if the dating a friend of Jared's factors into it, maybe he's trying to remain respectful idk. Either way I think Jared and Gen are as fake as Jensen and Danneel just not as obvious.

  24. yes, I hope Gossip Boy doesn't go all Ted C. on us. Jensen and Jared have a big fanbase and we are interested and curious about these two guys. Jared and Gen are keeping a low profile maybe because they are still on their "honeymoon"? Who knows? But Jensen's wedding is around the corner and the man looks sad, terrified and when you DO see him happy or smiling, he's either drinking or appears stoned. JMO though but Jensen seems to need a little encouragement to smile but then the eyes give it away. No happiness or sincerity in the eyes.

  25. J/G aren't still on honeymoon, they were spotted by TMZ in LA Tuesday night ;)

    I've always thought there's something not quite right with either couple.

  26. Money makes the world go round, right? In a just world Jared and Jensen would marry but the powers that be, i.e., suits, get a slice of everything they make. They've already invested so much they want a return on their investment. All the victims involved have already had a taste of all the money to be made so why not. Rock Hudson did it. Merv Griffin too. Olivier and Danny Kaye. Tyrone Powers and of course Travolta and Cruise. They'll divorce soon enough then everyone can say they can't be gay because they were married.

  27. Well you guys pretty much figured it out, even with a pro's opinion. Jensen is not a happy person.
    I found shots of them 'shopping' tog holding hands and he's practically dragging her down the street. His body language is stiff and his lips are pinched tog way too tight. They either were fighting or he was pissed at her for something.
    The Breeder's Cup was a buddy buddy date, he wanted somebody to go with and didn't want to go alone. Totally obvious.
    This series of photos is actually a video on Youtube, if you watch close you can see them shift a bit then rearrange themselves. In the shift you can see he's totally not happy and even shoots her a glance that says "drop dead".
    He's said it himself, in an interview when somebody asked him what he thinks of that helps him cry for scenes his answer was " Jared's dogs dying." Not loosing D, or breaking up with her. He also said she went out and bought them a dog, he didn't even know about it. Sounds like she's pulling all the strings in this relationship. She's the one still having 'sleep-overs' with E, and she's silly enough to broadcast it on twitter.
    He's totally lonely, all his buds are packing up and moving on and he's left alone in an apartment. If I had a choice of sitting around alone all the time and going out with a toxic buddy I think I'd take the buddy once in a while too. Poor Jensen.

  28. Now about Jared and Gen. There is some real affection going on there. She totally adores him, that is pretty obvious.
    Jared is actually harder to read, he is so aware of his body he makes adjustments so he actually shows conflicting info. He really really likes her a lot, love I'm not sure I'd toss the big L in right yet but there seems to be moments of it.
    If I had to explain the relationship I'd have to say Jared experimented a bit and batted for the other team but in the long run decided to go straight.(I really hate that term straight but I can't figure another way to say it politely). This might actually also apply to Jensen, in his earlier days. But like I said in another post I really don't care if they are hetro, homo, or bi as long as they are not hurting small children.

  29. If there was anything genuine between Jared and Gen why does he feel the need to kiss pics of her, correct people about her name and constantly talk about her at cons as if he has something to prove. Especially considering he didn't even acknowledge her the whole time they were dating. He's just more aware and therefore is trying too hard to put the rumours to rest. I agree with the bearding comments, you don't just decide to go back to being straight, gay is something you're born with and is the person you are. I just wish the people they are were given the chance to be happy together instead of these farces they call marriages.

  30. well the general consensus here is that these couples' are putting on a show and the verdict is split with half of the fandom believing it and the other half (us) doesn't buy it for a minute. I, for one, have mixed feelings about all of this. Jared and Gen do appear more genuine, not so much madly in love, but just maybe 2 people who enjoy each other's company? Now, Jensen and Danneel that's another story. I see pain when I see those two together and it saddens me to see Jensen looking miserable when he's with Danneel or forcing happiness. Even when he smiles, he looks sad.

  31. It is funny to read how you guys here turn Jensen into a victim of a harpie Danneel; think he is unhappy or is sinking in the botle because he has to live with/marry her.

    Meanwhile according to a girl who went to Jason M's concert Jensen - allegedly - said that he hates everybody who hates Danneel: "This is hearsay as it wasn’t said to me, but allegedly, to all of those people out there who are mean to Danneel on Twitter, Jensen wants you to know, and I quote, “Tell them I hate them.” Now this is a third party quote, but it cracks me up, so I’m writing it down for posterity!"

    Even allowing the thought he might have said that and meant it (he was drinking, it usually takes away the filter between your brain and tongue) makes me think much less of him. I think Danneel is all that GB calls her. But Jensen ain't no saint and if he chooses to be with her no matter what, reconsider if he is as miserable as he is and if it is because of a contract only. Maybe he is not better than her, he just hides it better.

  32. Still have no idea who these people are *L*

  33. How about you consult Doctor Google then, Harriet Hellfire, instead of coming here and spamming this topic?

  34. If Ted did not score in invite, why would this obscure blogger would?

    Honestly, by far not a Danneel fan here, but all this pleas to Jensen from anonymous fans and bloggers not to marry Danneel as if Jensen's life would be at risk if he did, are becoming embarrassing. The dude knows her, he chose her and unless she put a spell on him, Jensen is aware of her character flaws to be seen with her and marry her. Whether it will last, we don't know, but apparently it is a mutual decision for them to marry (and keep spending his money on their home, her dresses etc) and no one is dragging him shackled to the altar!

  35. Stop reading spn_goss.

  36. Hey nonnie above, not everything revolves from SPN_Gossip...Get a fuckin life you retard

  37. Jensen and Danneel are miserable for each other? They are happy with each other, but they don't want to show you this. On the red carpet or where flashing cameras. If you want to see who sell relationship look at people who kissing at the airports in front of paparazzi and something like that.
    Jensen is a happy man and quit with your his alone and miserable. He has many friends, loving family and loving gf.
    Live your life folks.
    And really stop reading spn_gossip. Miserable place.

  38. " If you want to see who sell relationship look at people who kissing at the airports in front of paparazzi and something like that." You mean Jared then?

    I would not be surprised if Jensen and Danneel will be "caught" kissing in their new staged photo op. I wonder what will you say then, het-fan-nonnie? That they love each other so much they can't keep hands off each other?

  39. I don't know what's going on behind closed doors but they always look so awkard together!

  40. Jared seemed happy back when he was still with Sandy, and I really thought he was going to marry her.

  41. Come on, not every one reads the snp_gosip mentioned above. I for one don't. But I am a big fan of Jensen and Supernatural and Jared. I see pictures of them and have seen videos and that's where I draw my conclusions. I do have a life and don't waste time on sites like the one mentioned above. My thoughts of Jensen looking horribly sad is based on seeing pitures of him with DH and past girlfriends and especially Jared and a myriad of other photos with friends of his (becuase come on, he is easy on the eyes). JA and DH just look painful together - period. Jared and Gen, not so sure why there's no gossip on these two. Ted C was very vocal but all suggetions on fake marriages and J2 have stopped. So...what is the real deal. I wish we would know. Heck, I can't even find info if J2 still live together in Vancouver. I doubt we'll ever really know the truth. Even though fans would love it!

  42. 1st I have been a SPN fan from the beginning and only found spn_gossip a few months ago. So, we can stop that whole thing right here. Secondly, what may be going on with these two isn't historically new by any means. From the times of kings and queens to the present, people hook up with & marry folks to have heirs. Yes, I know that there are other ways, but this may or may not be theirs (just a theory of mine). Unless they are gabbing, we won't know if JA or JP are gay, bi, insane, or passed up by the genuis fairy if they are in fake relationships.It is not our place to judge (atleast it is not my place). I am an observer and just hope in the end these guys find happiness (whatever that may be). Anyway, hollywood marriages, like many US marriages have a very limited shelf-life. So maybe they figure what's a year or 2 of craziness for a life time (if they wind of divorced) of freedom. Just a theory so don't bash me too much. ;o) I'm in the middle of a tornado warning so forgive me if this gets posted twice or messed up.

  43. I, too, have a life and don't follow gossip 24/7; however, I do follow Gossip Boy every day and Ted C. at E!. However, Ted has fallen silent since Feb with his Danneel interview after bombarding us all with J2 inuendos and fake marriages; well, Jensen's weddding is upon us and we'll see what happens. Gossip Boy keep us informed and please keep sharing your thoughts; often times your thoughts are what we all are thinking anyway.

  44. I loved this piece about J/D. Gossip Boy sure does sound like he knows what he's talking about - would love to know what he knows. I wonder if he'll ever dish? I do know one thing for sure - Jensen is the hottest thing on this earth right now that I've seen and add to the fact his acting as Dean is awesome. His personal life, just that. But I do love to read about him. I want more GB, please!

  45. I was wondering if Jared or Jensen would be going to Jeffrey Dean Morgan's movie premier. Didn't hear about Jared but then I read the note on Danneel's page or good luck at the premier and I was like "what?" Wow - her few minutes on screen in a JLO bomb. Guess Jensen was being the good boyfriend. I did look at the video of them leaving that restaurant. Danneel didn't look happy at all. Jensen, wonder if he was pleantly toasted. He looked amused when teh guy knew Jensen but had to ask for her name. HA!

  46. Danneel is also going to UK, to BUP plan premierre on the 28th. We'll see if Jensen will follow as an obedient pretty monkey he has become.

  47. Anon, loved the obedient monkey comment. I was looking at the video of them on the red carpet at the premier and Danneel seemed to be bossing Jensen around and he followed like a good puppy. Wonder what his reward is?

  48. I was thinking about this whole thing...Jensen is such an awesome actor. I don't get why he doesn't "act" the role of a happy soon to be wed groom. He could pull it off. So, may be this is legit and he's just subdued. Comparing pictures of J/D with Jensen and Jared or even with his buddies guess isn't fair (or something like that). I'm sure the rumors/gossip of this ilk have gotten back to him (I'm not saying he reads any of it, I'm sure he doesn't) because I'm sure someone must be whispering in his ear about how fans feel. Anyway, thought I'd throw out that little bit.

  49. I don't have the time or energy to cruise sites such as Spn_Gossip or whatever, so I'm not touching that one; and yes, I do have a life; but I also have a few thoughts.

    When Jensen is picured with DH, yes, his body language is awkward - but he's never been one of those people who is comfortable in that situation, but if you look closely, when he's with DH his smile looks like one of those fake smiles you put on when someone annoying waves a camera in your face - it never reaches his eyes or looks genuine.

    If you look at pictures of Jensen when he's beside Jared, not only is his smile genuine, but it reaches his eyes and they sparkle, also his whole body seems to just glow and light-up around Jared, and his posture seems more relaxed and comfortable.

    I think nothing will stop the marriage from going ahead as I believe it's nothing more than a contract. DH and Jensen were freinds for a while before 'dating' as she used to date one of Jensen's friend's: Riley Smith. I honestly think they just came up with a plan to protect Jensen's privacy.

    I guess sometime down the road, when the divorces are announced, we can throw them a 'thank f**k for coming to your senses' party!!!

  50. Yeah this marriage is happening so it'll be interesting to see if any pictures leak out. We didn't see much of Jared's wedding but it's their business what they want to share with the public. I have to admit I do miss Jared and Jensen together goofing around on the red carpet or on set so I hope we see those two again being themselves again. Maybe with these weddings out of the way The guys will feel comfortable and just be their happy affectionate selves again. Love your blogs Gossip Boy! Keep us coming back with your Jensen and Jared topics okay ?

  51. ещ 11:05 anon

    To me, it looks like it is not a series of actions to establish Jensen's het cred, but an action to promote Daneel Harris that Jensen undertook to "reward" her for being a supportive beard! She has the awful spider-like lashes and the bag that is a must-not with a dress like hers, and Jensen still looks like he'd be some other place than with her.....but I do think they know for sure what they are doing and god bless, Jensen, i hope you have an iron-clad pre-nup in place......

  52. I can't stand anything about Danneel. And it has nothing to do with the fact that she "landed" Jensen. Her whole fake presentation of herself and this pnony relationship just makes me cringe. Her obnoxious Star Jones tweeting was bad enough, but now seeing what she did to her face is the last straw. She cares nothing for anything other than her own selfish self. Ugh, hope and pray they don't make it down the isle.

    1. You are so right there she is a money grabbing skank and Jensen fell right into the pit

  53. This is so stupid!! What did Danneel do to you, huh? Why do you - all of you - hate her so much, and Gen? Because they married Jared/Jensen? This is shit! They can't choose who they love, and who are you to judge? How DARE you. I'm not a fangirl or supporter, but come on, have some respect, bitch. She's earned it - You haven't.

  54. Actually I don't like Danneele at all. She is cold, plastic and not natural and a horrible actress. She seems to be very self concerned. AND: they don't match together. I cannot tell why but I see this on their faces. If you look at them everything seems played, I feel akwardness and a weird sense when I look at fotos of them together. Jared and Gen on the other hand, I think they are really in love and they match really. I don't think Jared or Jensen are gay, but I think Jensen married the wrong woman, instead of Jared which married the right one. Sorry for my unperfect english, I'm swiss :) . In my opinion: I think Danneele just wanted to marry someone to push her carreer. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work. She's a really really horrible actress. Everything on her is so fake, so unnatural and like a plastic doll with a charisma of a cold blooded bitch (sorry). She married Jensen to be someone but still is a nobody and I think this bothers her a lot. So next step: Let he make me a baby... And this doesn't work either. I don't want to be rude but as I saw the first picture with their babygirl I just thought: Oh my gosh, what an ugly child.... But in the newest one she seems to develop to a sweet baby. As much as I adore Jensen I have to say: You're own fault to marry this b***. I'm wondering where they are in about 5 Years.

  55. God. All of you are so rude. Danneel loves Jensen and vise versa. Have you seen the pics from their wedding? They looked sooo happy and comfortable and adorable. Also Danneel is not a bitch. These rumors you are spreading about them is compleatly and utterly wrong. Just because Jensen married someone you don't like doesn't mean you get to spit on their marrige. You are all disgusting pigs. May I just add that Danneel never got botox. Yeah. She's wearing something called makeup. Ever heard of it. Also their personal life is none of you goddamn buisness. Leave them alone. It's their relationship. Not yours.

  56. Looking back now, Danneel named her daughter Justice Jay. JJ is a nice combo for J2. Jensen got his JJ, Danneel got her Justice ;)

    Now that it's 2015 I think Danneel is a great beard, she is a smart cookie and very secure and happy with her life. The problem beard is Genevieve. I feel sorry for Jared because his wife is having major bearding issues even though she knew what she was getting into. I just wish Jared and Jensen the best they are good people.

  57. This actress only had soft porn roles in Z list movie and then a few "cameos, she tried to play up this role in the BackUp Plan like she was co-starring and spoke badly about Jennifer Lopez off set. Still does to this day. Her face is horrid, she is creepy and such a bad match for Jensen. It's so disappointing he chose someone as trashy and fake as her. As if that wasn't enough she got pregnant to trap him and then later found a loophole to force him to have yet another baby despite his wishes and then ended up with twins. He now has three children and a dead look in his eyes, probably cheats on his wife as body language wise in all the lives and events it seems like he is beyond contemptuous of her. I'm really curious what new gossip will come up. I wouldn't be surprised if a divorce will be announced soon, he looks fed up and beyond exhausted and she is as plastic and as fake as ever, deleted all of her tramplike pictures on insta and only posts fake couple goals pictures and videos, meanwhile she has two nannies, is medicating and barely spends time with her children while her husband is never in the same place as her for more than three days and when he is, he is unhappy to the point where it gets worrisome. What a sham PR marriage.


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