Monday, April 26, 2010

May 5th Candidate #2 : Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal is being now called Candidate #2 for the May 5th rainbow explosion.  Readers have said that Jake has long been rumored to be known as one Toothy Tile from Ted Casablanca's Blind Vice's, with Austin Nichols as his Grey Goose.  With People Magazine having a hand in this coming out party, people are saying that it fits in with them believing in Toothy Gyllenhaal.

If you have not read the Blind Vice's that people are saying are JG, then you can do so here. Before doing so, I recommend you take a good couple of hours to read it and take it all in.  It is a mindfuck and will leave you needing a drink or so to help cope.  With all of the evidence and people just plain hoping, it has led Jake up to one of the most popular votes.  However, in the BV's Toothy has a secret child hidden away somewhere.  Could you imagine Jake being that kind of guy?

Whether he is Toothy Tile, gay, or straight, it seems that the majority of people have already concluded that he is gay and they still love you Jake.  If that doesn't prove that you can come out and not lose and momentum, then what does?  IF IF IF Jake Gyllenhaal is gay, then maybe he should direct his people to this website where the love for a possible gay Jake has obviously poured over.

Besides, gay or not, it's called acting for a reason. I don't know if I can picture Jakey going on a publicity tour to promote his sexuality.  With Prince Of Persia opening shortly after, I can't see him taking attention away from the movie.  Plus, not everyone would be happy with the confession and PoP might not fare so well after.  So I don't think that Jake is going to be coming out on May 5th.


  1. ...wishful thinking, but alas, I agree it not to be Jakeepoo...

  2. I agree that its very unlikly that its Jake. If the person coming out is going to be going on a publicity tour about it, I would think it has to be someone who wants/needs/craves that kind of attention, or someone with a F@ck you attitude to begin with. I going with either Queen Latifah or Kathy Griffen.

  3. I agree that it won't be Jake. It's going to be someone with much, much less to lose and therefore not an A-lister.
    I think this person is doing it because they know that most people already realise that they're gay and that it's going to be too difficult and not worth it to stay quiet anymore. They may have even been threatened with an expose.

    It's a cynical view but very few people come out by themselves just because the want to. Even Neil Patrick Harris was pushed out. Sad but true :(

  4. It won't be Jake, he is PoP to promote. I do believe he is TT, but he doesn't need this kind of attention to promote him as possibly coming out one day. If and when he does, I think he'll do it without the song and dance like the May 5th person will do.

    I'm thinking it will be a female on May 5th, and/or someone who desperately needs to make themselves relevant for the month of May.

  5. Agree.. JG will hopefully make it there someday soon, but timing isn't right.

    Seacrest is my vote, he's been playing up the gay thing a lot on Idol lately.

  6. BTW most people do not think Jake is gay, just wish he was!.

  7. What a coward you are GB.

  8. Hey where did my comment go? Oh well I will leave it again. As much as I would like JG to come out, I really do not think that he is the one. I am about to read all of the Toothy Tile vices and maybe have some new perspective of it all. My original comment was longer but I do not feel like re-typing it all over again. Does anyone else's comments disappear off of here? There was no foul language.

  9. i 'm going to be sad for his ex-beards!

  10. Agree, It won't be Jake. I think it'll be another "yawnfest." Still, it would be SO powerful if it were Jake. Its going to take a high-profile person with legions of fans who say "we just don't care if you're gay" to have an impact and start an avalanche of understanding: "Its called ACTING!"

  11. Wait a minute: GB! - you labeled the famous Jake and Austin photo above (right click and choose 'save as') JAKE AND TOOTHY. So does that mean you think Austin is Toothy and Jake (in his grey shirt) is Grey Goose?!!!

  12. Oh I read about TT. And he sounds like a nice guy -unlike most of Ted's BVs. Which is something in my opinion. But the kids thing? No, I don't believe it. Even if TT is not Jake G, kids still don't make any sense to me. TT seems to be very career-driven (which is fine) and the BF is supposed to be an actor too. Why would two actors under 30 choose to have children so early?? Yet amazingly, there are Jake/Toothy fans out there who buy it all and talk about the "little Texans" with utter delight. Go figure...

    As for Jake, I still can't say I'm convinced he's gay. It wouldn't be fair somehow to come to that conclusion before he -or anybody in the same situation- speaks up. I've no hurry in that aspect. Now if JG is indeed gay and comes out eventually (which I'd expect, because he seems to be the kind of guy who would do the right thing sooner or later), it'll be great. After proving he can play so many different roles -including the romantic hero with a Princess and all... Lets face it: he would have never had the chance to do that if he had declared to be gay earlier.

    Sometimes you have to take a not ideal situation and make the best out of it. Make it worth the pain. Like if you were in prison maybe. You can sit down and write a book, for instance. Or just try and grow spiritually. And let others know, in some way or another, that just because you're not out doesn't mean you've forgotten there's a world outside. Declaring you are gay isn't the only way to prove you care about others. There are lots of ways in which you can relate. If you let that show, others will come to meet you, wherever you are.

    I think of Jake and I feel so proud of him already. He has this brilliant career his fans can flaunt about. I know I do.

  13. BTW most people do not think Jake is gay, just wish he was!


    People who read gossip KNOW that Jake is gay - who could forget showmancing with Reese Witherspoon?

  14. Jake is promoting a 150 million movie right now, he will remain in the closet.

  15. It aint jake and i dont who it may be but im just going to wait and see.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. I havent read Casablancas in years (at least 5yrs), back then he was even talking TT, one time he specifially said it wasnt Jake. After so long, I think TT is someone in Ted's mind, his fuck fantasy.

  18. I do not believe it's Toothy either. Too much on his plate. A C lister that needs some attention and will probably be a yawn to boot. A female yawn from the sound of it.
    BTW: Pets are sometimes referred to as children. Just saying.

  19. How about Keanu Reeves.

  20. Someone asked ted if the child was human he said yes. However there is no way the Toothy Tile Tale can be real.

  21. Correction to Anonymous post: Ted has NEVER eliminated Jake as Toothy. To the contrary, the early evidence, and I've followed this since the first post, clearly identified Jake as the ONLY possibility. You would not know that unless you carefully analyzed the very first three posts and were aware of Ted's BV hint policy back then.

  22. AGreed. The post with the hands and mention of the kind of table and then Jake was spotted at a restaurant with that kind of table. there are more hints, but Jake has done good of covering his tracks. Poor Kiki

  23. KiKi? Who the hell is KiKi? The thot plickens.

  24. What if Jake is bi would that make things easier for him to come out not if he is involved in a relationship with a man.

  25. I do think Jake is Toothy, but I also thing Ted C. is inventing about the whole baby thing. But Jake will never come out. Only a seriously ambitious actor who desperately wants A List status would beard with Reese W. and keep bearding to get a stupid movie like Prince of Persia. Funny thing is that I think Jake's a good actor and he couldn't even act like an in love boyfriend during the showmance. Only someone desperate to be seen as super straight could put up with 3 years of photo ops with uptight, frigid, bitchy, phony Reese. Come out Jakey, come out!! We will still love you!

  26. Jake and Reese had their moments

    How dare you doubt this was LOVE?

    Check that photo and you will wish you had been Reese!!

  27. I don't get what everyone thinks is so awful about Reese.???? Someone tell me....pleassssseeee.

  28. BobNYC - I love the Toothy Tile saga as well as Ted's other blinds but am not sure what you mean by

    "You would not know that unless you carefully analyzed the very first three posts and were aware of Ted's BV hint policy back then"

    Can you shed some light on Ted's AIA's & hints for me?

  29. Well well well. Maybe Jake does have kids after all. "I made Prince of Persia for the kids I know and love". Uh huh. That's right. That's what he said.

    You can read more about that at Wet Dark And Wild

    Very helping, isn't it? And I'm telling you: the "crazies" at haven't heard about this yet, apparently. But once they do (and I'm not going to be the one telling them), their Told you! Told you!'s are just never EVER going to stop.

    I don't know what to think at this point. Not sure who's who and what is what any-effing-more. I'm outty...

  30. Ted used to post the actual name of the B.V. somewhere else in his column - (this was before the current format). The only actor's name that appeared in every one of the first three columns that had a Toothy B.V. was Jake. Also, in response to a question about Toothy, Ted wrote: "He's closer than you think" and right underneath was a pic of Jake with an item about him. THAT was funny!

  31. Ted makes it clear that Toothy will never come out and keeps digging deeper and deeper into the closet. He has not offered any new Toothy blinds in ages(only compares him to other closeted actors) and has recently been very positive about Jake. I think Jake has co-opted Ted and paid him off. Ted is now a publicity agent for Jake and so, no more Toothy blinds. With PoP to be promoted there is no way Jake would come out. I'm holding out for James Franco.

  32. I agree - James will come out before Toothy. Ted still does sometimes put photos/articles close to the BV - he did one recently with a very 'toothy' smiley photo of Jake, one with Crescent Kumquat (Chace Crawford) and if my memory serves me right, Seymour (JT).


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