Friday, April 30, 2010

May 5th Candidate # 4: Anderson Cooper

As the silver fox on CNN, Anderson Cooper has taken the title of sexiest news anchor from what once belonged to Matt Lauer.  Anderson is a member of the Vanderbilt family and someone that in many eyes would not be able to come out as gay, if that were the case.

Like all of the other candidates, Anderson has had the gay rumors on his back for awhile.  Anderson Cooper has always been hushed up about his private life, especially when it comes to his relationships, to “protect his neutrality” as a journalist. Nonetheless, he has been see with a few men who have been rumored to be his lover, the most recent of which is Jonathan Chase.

However, I do not think that people have put enough thought into this.  If Anderson is the one to come out, not thinking about all of the rumors that it will be a female, it would help his ailing network CNN and his ratings would take a huge spike.  A lot of people already like Anderson simply due to the gay rumors, his dashing good looks, and his ability to tell us some boring ass news, but still keep our interests piqued.  Would he lose viewers, yes.  Who wouldn't lose fans by coming out of the closet?  Some people are just small minded and have yet to adapt to the revolution that is taking place.  But the amount of fans that Anderson would gain by admitting his homosexuality would by far surpass anything negative that would transpire.

Contrary to what everyone believes, I think that Anderson is actually a major contender for the May 5th reveal.  He might have only gotten 11% of the readers votes so far, but I believe that he could come out and not suffer any loss from the fact.

Out Magazine has tried numerous times to push Anderson out of the closet, though I didn't agree with it at the time.  Not only did they mockingly place in on a cover with the caption, "Why the stars won't come out and play," they also made him #4 on the ranking of 50 Most Powerful Gays And Lesbians.  Jodie Foster, who was also mockingly featured on the same cover, has revealed that she is in fact gay.


  1. ...luv him but not him...

  2. Rumours? Cooper was pretty out before CNN. People would see him around NYC all the time. He doesnt want to be the story and tries to have a neutral persona like old school news guys. But he has slipped up on air a few times over the years. But this wont be him because he wont do a gay tour and make it into some big deal. Aside from that he has his own show and would just make an announcement then and move on. No People spread. Plus he is too classy for that tacky attention whore crap

  3. I'm really bi on this one: AC has a lot of integrity and he may feel he needs to be upfront and that the time is right to live an honest, open life where there are no questions. On the hand: he doesn't want to be the story. Major candidate, yes, but maybe not...

  4. Sorry, but I don't agree with you at all when you say if Anderson comes out it would help his career and not hurt it. There are 35 states who have laws banning gay marriage and 4 or 5 more who have rules about it that haven't made it a law yet. That can easily tell us that over half of this nation unfortunately still has hang ups about homosexuality. Anderson has to sell himself and his show to all people, even the ones against the gay lifestyle. Homosexuals barely make up not even 2% of our population so saying they will make up the difference of the viewers he would lose if he came out is absurd. You might as well say him coming out would be the end of his career as middle class Americans would never accept him and would turn on them as a lot already have with the rumors swirling and his tea bagging comment.

    I don't think he will ever come out as he doesn't want to be the story and it would make it dangerous for him to go overseas to work where homosexuality is banned and you can be jailed or killed for it.

  5. When did Jodie Foster come out? She has never publicly, officially come out. The closest she ever came was thanking by name the woman she's been with for ages while accepting some award.



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