Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Blind Items

1- Which once drop dead gorgeous A-List star once fell in love with a boy so hard the when she found out he also liked boys, she went off the deep end?  She has since been in countless rehabs and her career has gone down the drain.  She recently made attempt to see this ex and during dinner he thought that they could actually be friends again.  Until the next night when he found her in his hotel room, naked and waiting on his bed. Not Julia Stiles

2- Which television star is so worried that she isn't getting all of the press from her so that she decided to stage a break-up with a fake boyfriend so that people will feel sorry for her?  She has tried it before and no one cared, so what makes her think that this time will be any different? Not Eva Longoria

3-Which indie actress has kept her long time secret affair with an A-Lister tightly under wraps?  They met all they way back in 1997 when she was a young little thing and he was almost 20 years her senior, not to mention that over the past 13 years, they have continued their affair.  He has a family that he keeps away from Hollywood, and this is probably the main reason why. Not Gabby Hoffman


  1. Kirsten Dunst for the first one--and the guy was Jake. This is when they were both recently in Montreal shooting their movies. If this is true, then I feel bad for Kirsten. Sad.

    The rumor is she found Jake in bed with Austin Nichols at the Chateau Marmont during the summer of 2004. They had a loud altercation in the hotel that was seen and heard by MANY. She dumped him but later on reunited with him for a bit until they broke up again for the last time.

  2. Kirsten Dunst for no 1 too obvious

  3. ...#3 MAYbe Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci?

  4. The first one sounds like Kirsten Dunst. No idea for the second one. Is it a reality show star or someone from a "real" television show?

    The last one is the most interesting. Was he an A-lister when the affair began? Could it be Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci?

  5. 1: Kirstie Alley / John Travolta or Kirsten Dunst / Jakey

    2: One of the Kashardian slags

    3: No clue...

  6. I think #2 is Leighton Meester. She's dumped more BF than you can count on two hands. And who cares?
    #1 def Kristen D.
    #3 I like the idea of Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci but is he old enough? "1997... 20 years her senior". Humm I gotta go do some math...13 year relationship...

  7. Am I the only one who thinks Kiki is anything BUT drop-dead gorgeous? No offense to her, but drop-dead gorgeous? Really???

  8. 3. Depp and Ricci is a 17 year difference. It is definitely possible. Everything fits - and they have worked together since.

  9. Kiki was in Drop Dead Gorgeous

  10. @anon--forgot about that movie. Makes more sense now.

  11. ...#1 SOUnds like it could be Pamela Anderson and Jaime Padgett

  12. #1 very obviously Kirsten

  13. 1- Poor Kristen :-(
    2- I doubt it's a Kardashian because all their boyfriends are real. Teri Hatcher maybe?
    3- If that's Johnny Depp and Christina Ricci it would break my heart. I always thought Depp was one of the good ones.

  14. 1# like every one, i say Kiki Dunst and Jake G
    2# ...?
    3# Depp/Ricci is a great guess:Sorry Vanessa!

  15. #2 - Jennifer Love Hewitt? She just broke up with Jamie Kennedy

  16. Regarding Nr 1... Ouch! I mean... just -Ouch! I agree it's Kirsten and... Kiki, if I may, I understand completely but... no. Get over it and enjoy what you can have. Friendship is an awesome thing to have with another person too!

    GB's story makes sense. It was reported that when they saw each other again, things didn't look friendly at all.

    I admit I have a soft spot for KD. And I'd say she's pretty. Even though she looks A LOT like the guy who broke my heart into a million pieces some time ago. Guess I'm not that resentful. Hey, I should be glad!

  17. Alright so I looked up Christina and Johnny's birthdays and such to try and validate this theory.

    They are turning 30 and 47 this year which is almost a 20 year difference in age. If it's been going on for 13 years then, at the time the affair began, they would have been around the ages of 17 and 34.

    Plus they have been in three flims together, the earliest of which was "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" back in 1998 which correlates with the blind saying the two met in 1997.

    She's definitely an indie actress.
    Oh and another good point, is the fact that her and Gabby Hoffman have been self-proclaimed best friends ever since they met back when they filmed "Now and Then" together.

    I guess their age difference is why they never had a public relationship? That's a shame, I think they would be pretty awesome together :)

  18. I'm not too sure about number two but I definitely think it couldn't be hinting at Kim Kardashian. The term "television star" makes me think of someone who is a celebrity but not really an actress, per se. Plus using Eva as the "Not" could be a hint to the man being relative to sports, which Reggie Bush definitely is.

    And obviously I'm all over the Kiki-Jakey answer for Number One :D

  19. One last mention... the "Not" for number one is Julia Stiles, who co-starred with Kiki on Mona Lisa Smile

  20. 1. Kirsten Dunst and Jake Gyllenhaal. Its so obvious. The rest of them...NO IDEA

  21. Maybe i'm reading too much into this...but Christina Ricci has the name Jack and a Sparrow tattooed on her. Both are in different locations, but is anyone else making the Pirates connection?!? How crazy would it be if she and Johnny Depp really had a thing? I personally think it makes sense.

  22. Oh, i like dragonlady's guess with Leighton..

  23. Kirsten Dunst for the first one--and the guy was Jake.

    Can't be Kirsten Dunst, she fits ONLY one clue - she was a beard.

  24. Uh uh Meg, Kirsten didn't know Jakey liked boys at all. Very well documented, their arguemnt at the whore hotel. Lovin' (pardon the pun) the Jennifer Love Hewitt guess for #2, it really fits.
    Don't know about #3.

  25. But KD has made movies long after that supposed break up occured. So I'm not seeing the immediate destruction.I know she was partying too much for a while but she never got as bad as Lohan for example. Now that's a meltdown.

  26. According to IMDB this is what Kiki has been doing since 2004. Doesn't look like someone not functioning to me.

    # Melancholia (2011) (pre-production)

    # Upside Down (2011) (filming) .... Eve

    # All Good Things (2010) (completed) .... Katie McCarthy

    # How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008)

    # Be Kind Rewind (2008)

    # Tangled Web: The Love Triangles of Spider-Man 3 (2007)

    # Spider-Man 3 (2007)
    ... aka "Spider-Man 3: The IMAX Experience" - USA (IMAX version)

    # Marie Antoinette (2006) ....

    # Elizabethtown (2005)

    # Wimbledon (2004)

    # Spider-Man 2 (2004)

  27. Allegedly Lindsay's first rehab stint was caused after James Franco refused her advances...,2933,244889,00.html

  28. I don't think #3 can be Depp/Ricci, cause I think they first met in 1990 while shooting Mermaids when Winona was dating Depp.

  29. imdb!anon

    GB didn't say she hasn't been working or that she's not functioning. But seriously, most of the films in that list were flops. Except for the Spiderman saga and kids don't go to see those films because of her... The Julia Stiles reference points in KD direction...

  30. number 3 is definately Depp and Ricci. She was 17 when they started dating or whatever.But if she met him first in 1990 she was 10 and he was 27 so that doesnt count cause he was a man and she was a kid.

  31. Elvis waited until Priscilla was of age, Johnny Depp is just quirky enough to do the same. Besides, I don't buy his super love with Vanessa. I think he stays because of the kids.

  32. 1) Kirsten Dunst
    2) Jennifer Love Hewitt.
    3) No clue.

  33. Depp met 8 yr old Christina on the set of Mermaids, starring JD's then gf, Winona Ryder. Christina has said JD is like a big brother to her. The filmed Sleepy Hollow in the Fall of 1998 - about the time Vanessa informed JD she was pregnant after dating him 3-4 months. JD & CR have a lot in common - both dark sensibilities & former cutters. As far as calling him a cheater, Depp has said marriage isn't for him because he could never be faithful to one woman forever, and maybe that's an understanding he & Van have. He comes from a broken family & doesn't want that for his kids.


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