Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lea Michele's PDA

[Scene: According to a disinterested witness, at her table at the Time 100 gala last night, Glee star Lea Michelle spends the entire dinner hour making out with her boyfriend at her table, ignoring the other high-profile guests. Legendary celebrity photographer (and Intel friend) Patrick McMullan approaches to take a picture. He snaps away, she poses.]
Patrick McMullan: What’s your name?
Lea Michele: [Rolls eyes.] Sarah Palin.
Patrick McMullan: [Laughs.] No, really, tell me your name.
Lea Michele: Taylor Swift.
Patrick McMullan: Fuck you.



  1. hmm.. sorry to hear someone so talented is starting Divahood so early.

    She needs to learn some work rules.

  2. GB - um ... let's discuss things that aren't in the ontd order

  3. Dear Lea,

    Grow the fuck up.

    Much love,
    ~~~Unemployed chick

  4. I wonder what McMullan's reaction will be should she decide she wants him to photgraph her in the future.

  5. Hey 11:26 am nonnie, We like Glee here. GB posts news that he thinks we want to hear, no matter where it comes from. Every day you come on here and leave some little remark trying to start something. We are all on to you, and you are a troll that needs to find something better to do. How about going back to the SPN community from which you came and finding a life?

  6. As a big Glee fan, I hope Lea develops a more friendly persona for dealing with her fans and the press.

  7. Being humble gets you a lot further in life than being a big nosed singing diva. Lea is not a star. She's a singer/ actress on a show that is starting to suck.

  8. Not to state the obvious but what kind of celebrity photographer wouldn't know her name?? WTF It isn't like a day goes by that she isn't on screen or in print somewhere.

  9. tru dat, nonnie, tru dat

  10. Why was he taking a picture of her if he didn't know who she was?

  11. "state the obvious"? I don't know who the fuck she is. I've never seen "Glee". He was taking a picture of her (directed to the other anon) because she was at a some celebrity gala. She was a c and behaved like trailer trash. She needs a smack upside her fug head.

  12. I can't believe she was so snotty! What a dumb ass!

  13. How old is this girl? She must really think she is in high school.

  14. I really like Glee but now that they're all becoming famous all their warts are starting to show. Or rather some of them have warts that are starting to show. Morrison seems like an uptight closet case and now Lea is turning into a cunt. Who sucks face at a black tie gala? Also, what kind of host seats couples together? One of the main points of these thing is to meet new people and never seat couples together. They have all day to do what they spent that evening doing.


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