Saturday, May 1, 2010

Rob Spotted In Vancouver, But Where Is Kristen?

Robert Pattinson may have had to go back to Vancouver to do re-shoots for the upcoming installment in the Twilight Saga, Eclipse, but he doesn't seem to upset about it.  On April 30th, Rob was seen in an unusually smiley mood on his way to have lunch with musician friend, Sam Bradley.  He even stopped to give one lucky fan an autograph.

Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner were also summoned to Vancouver to complete the re-shoots, however neither of them have been photographed.  With photographers everywhere, Stewart and Lautner have apparently dodged them all, while Rob has been elected as the one to distract the photographers.

Twilight fans everywhere are waiting for some kind of sign that Rob and Kristen are taking this time to be together, something that doesn't seem to be happening. 


  1. They are working, dummy.

  2. Kristen and Taylor were filming Rob wasn't that day simple as that,why create drama when there isn't any.

  3. Pathetic attempt for attention once again. Kristen met Rob very shortly after he arrived from London. She, Rob & Sam were together at a screening and it is certain R/K are sharing a hotel room. Grow up.

  4. How certain is it nonnie? Do you have a camera in the room? Are you Rob or Kristen? You're not? ok then. STFU

  5. much hostility! Anon's please don't take life so seriously and ruin the fun of our enquiry minds...I mean, we are discussing CELEBRITIES who would rather have some publicity than non at all. Comes with the territory...

  6. He's working. She's at home smoking a bowl.

  7. i think they broke up. Whatever Stew, date Tom Sturridge! He's hotter than Rob and prob a better Fuck too!

  8. Unless Tom changes gender, I doubt she's interested.


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