Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Amy Winehouse: Not On Drugs When She Died

The toxicology report has just been released on the death of British singer, Amy Winehouse.  I know everyone had their suspicions that the known drug addict was using at the time of her death, the report has something different to say.

The family released the following statement after they were told the findings;

"Toxicology results returned to the Winehouse family by authorities have confirmed that there were no illegal substances in Amy's system at the time of her death. Results indicate that alcohol was present but it cannot be determined as yet if it played a role in her death. The family would like to thank the police and coroner for their continuing thorough investigations and for keeping them informed throughout the process. They await the outcome of the inquest in October."
Hopefully now, the talented Ms. Winehouse can begin to rest in peace.


  1. Just because there were no illegal drugs in her system doesn't mean she didn't die of an overdose. Just ask Heath Ledger or Corey Haim.

  2. This was lovely thanks for writing this


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