Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dirty Dancing Remake: Our Dream Cast

Sometimes remakes come along and I cringe at the thought of ruining a classic.  With Charlie's Angels gracing the airwaves again and a poor excuse for Footloose being shoved down our throats, I was a little worried when I first heard of a Dirty Dancing remake.

This is the movie that made stars out of Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey, that taught us to never put Baby in the corner.  To this day when I watch Gilmore Girls, I see Kelly Bishop as Baby's mother.  So to try and create another is not going to be an easy task.  

To save Lionsgate some time and spare us some heartache, we have come up with our dream cast to help make another Dirty Dancing.

Frances "Baby" Houseman: When Jennifer Grey was cast in this role, she was an unknown.  But there is more riding on this movie and while we do feel it shouldn't be an huge name, the role does need to be filled by someone we already know and love. Someone who we felt could really capture the essence of Baby would  be Dianna Agron.  Not only would this help this up and coming talent finally break free of the Glee name, Dianna is a fresh untapped talent that we have yet to see unfold.

Johnny Castle: We all know that the late Patrick Swayze is Johnny Castle, so finding someone with the same sexual appeal and fierce attitude is not going to be easy.  We tried to think of someone young, and who doesn't know that they are as sexy as they are. Someone that can play bad boy but is still very appealing. Ryan Gosling is the sexy bastard that came to mind. Can you see him teaching Dianna to dance in the water? I can and it's nice.

Dr Jake Houseman: Jerry Orbach was a huge presence on film.  The only person that could hold a torch to his performance would be George Clooney.  George would be a fine addition to the film and would be the best Dr. Houseman we could ever dream up.

Marjorie Houseman: Kelly Bishop is my opinion could still rock this role of out the ballpark. However, we do think that Susan Sarandon would make a good mother to Baby.  We do wonder about her and George Clooney as a couple, but I'm sure she could pull it off.

Jane Houseman: Zooey Deschanel. Hands Down.
Penny Johnson: Blake Lively would make the perfect Penny. She has 
easy girl who gets knocked by a douche written
all over her.

 Robbie Gould: James Franco could easily pull off the character who tricks Baby's
sister Jane into falling for him while getting Penny knocked up in the shadows. Franco
is charming enough to play the Romeo/Douchbag.

Now fill the rest with some big names and throw some cameo's in from the original cast and we can attempt to have the time of our lives.

If you feel that you have a better idea for casting, we would love to hear it in the comments.

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