Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Blind item

 I'm sure you all remember about the video that accidentally caught two male co-stars kissing during a party.  The network was insanely looking for this tape knowing that if it ever got out it would destroy all the hard work they put into the show. 

The man who recorded the kiss, husband of someone on the crew, had been interrogated as if he were a terrorist.  The network actually hired A-list  investigators to track this tape down.  And it turns out, someone who worked on the show had stolen the camcorder on their way out of the party.  Funny thing is, investigators never would have found it if it hadn't been for this person's loose lips.  Oh, and that viewing party that I went to last night that they hosted to watch the men finally get outed.

I must inform you that I saw this recording with my own two eyes.  I know who the kissing suspects were supposed to be, but when I saw this tape, I didn't see what the commotion was about.  If you knew who it was, you could kind of make it out, but the party was so dark and the guys were in the background.  I don't see why the network was so enraged at two shadows making out in a corner. 

Don't get me wrong, if the tape got out, clear picture or not, shit would have hit the fan.  But naturally, someone at the party told the bosses where to find the tape.  Hey, everyone wants a promotion, right?  And it couldn't have been more perfect timing. 

See, these guys have super plans for the future.  And this gay kiss coming out would change their whole image.  Not the fact that they were gay, but the charade that they have been keeping up to please everyone around them.  I could tell you who I saw on the tape, but I'm not comfortable kicking people out of the closet.  Perez, I am not.  But I will tell you this, that kiss was hotter than any kiss you will ever see on their show or at any formal event.

When one of the boys found out the tape was recovered, he was finally able to enjoy the weekend he had planned.  But the other guy was a little upset.  He actually wanted the tape to come out due to guilt he felt  for lying to his fans and to his family.  Plus, he knew he had gotten in way over his head with current situations and thought of the tape as his ticket out of the closet.  But when he voiced those opinions to his boyfriend, he was stunned to learn that his boyfriend did not feel the same way at all. 

His feet were firmly planted in the closet and he had no intention of ever coming out.  He told me himself that he has no desire to live as an openly gay man.  He comes from a big family that would never approve of such a thing and he isn't a big fan of the gays either.  Shocking, I know, but true.  He says the whole gay lifestyle is something he would never want to be part of and couldn't imagine walking down the street holding his boyfriend's hand. 

So now, one guy is thrilled that he can stay hidden, while the other guy is wondering what he has gotten himself involved in.  Not only is hie living a lie with a woman, but now he has realized the guy he gave his heart to has no desire of sharing the fact that they are in love with anyone.  Now, he has become a ticking time bomb that is very close to exploding.  Hell hath no fury like a gay man scorned.


  1. Wow I have NO idea who this could be about! *eyeroll*

  2. well this is def about the Js, right? Is Jared the one stuck in the closet??

  3. now your blog yesterday makes sense GB. With the blind and jared right under...people do not give you enough credit

  4. I wanna see that kiss!

  5. If they are so afraid of being outed, why be kissing at a network party in the first place?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well i think its is the js, Jared is the Ass that wont come out, i hope! i dont think that Jensen is that ass, but if eh is, i wont blame him, his family probably come of thw aves of homophobes haha! well i wish the guys lucj, but sooner or later, they would have to come out, cause they would be outed or just unhappy!

  8. What are the odds that the bf will takes matters into his own hands and, secretly, arrange his own outing? And even if he doesn't do you think he's going to stick with Mr. Closet, or try and find someone more open?

  9. hmmm is it J2 tho? are we all just hoping that it is? or is GB's choice of words too good to be true? Drunk or not, (if they are gay of course :P) wouldnt they be too careful kissing at a party with people they worked with who, according to the original blind, were all shocked and amazed to see this happening? if it is J2 good luck to them though i think people who watch the show wouldnt see them the same way (ie playing brothers) whats better? your personal/love life or your career?

    sorry rant over :p

  10. I really don't think its the Js. Why would they take the chance of being outed by kissing in public even if it was in a dark corner during a set party. I know a lot of people want them to be a couple so they can fuel their own fantasies and read all kinds of things into the fact that they are very physically comfortable around each other, but come on, they have been working very closely for 5 years so its natural that they would be very easy in each others personal space.

  11. I'm sorry. This post has told me nothing -except for the part where you say "he told me himself". That's a bit too much. That requires too much of faith from me, and if I had that much faith I'd be religious, really. This gossip business is difficult. Why don't you tease us more about yourself and give up the rest? I'd be more interested in that. Are you Jake Gyllenhaal? I did my research and have enough to think you're not. But I bet you'd lie if you had to... So, let's play that game. Shall we?

  12. Ok now, lets see, network? what kind? CW , TBS< what? smallvill or supernatural? which show? i mean thier isnt to mant people that think that they can be two males togther! jared and jensen, and who else? is there others? And are you Jared padlaecki?

  13. im a J2 shipper but i dont think they are them. because in the last Jared/Gen post, GB says J2s parents know that they love each other.but in this BI, its different. GB says one of the guys family wont approve if they come out...

  14. Everyone's guessing Jackles but let me throw in another possibility: George Eads and Erik Szmanda of CSI. I read 6-8 months ago about how they've been dating for a while and were making out at a private CSI event, leaked from an insider who was at the party. And then magically Eads announced he was engaged to a woman a few months later while sort of "breaking up" with Szmanda (on orders of tptb) but not totally (they have sex when Eads wants it). I can very easily see Eads being the scared type, enough to beard.

    that kiss was hotter than any kiss you will ever see on their show

    Exactly. When does CSI ever have hot romance? Never.

  15. Oh shit did you say the show isn't on CBS or NBC? Well that leaves CSI out. Unless you're technically substituting Spike, hmmm.

  16. ^Hey! Thanks for that! I bet it never was about Jackles. It never is but Ted and GB get their kicks out of toying with SPN fans. We're so desperate it's too tempting to have fun at our expense. Thanks again, Lucy. I personally appreciate that.

  17. ^ Oh shit, Lucy. What did you do?!? Playing with me too? Dammit, woman.

  18. Finally, no way to have been the J's, don't think either of them is ready to come out or such an ass, or coming from an important familly?
    So how many show have male co-stars how could be hot together?
    CSI (but Lucy said prob no)
    Without a trace, bones, dexter, cold case, 24hours, Gossip Girl, Nip-tuck... So many shows, so many hot guys, so little clues...

    Help my overseas friends as you know them more than me...

  19. No way is this Jared and Jensen. Even if they were seeing each other (which I don't believe for a second - pure fantasising and wishful thinking!) they are not stupid and would not be making out at a network party! These guys are just easy targets because of the show they're on and because they are so comfortable in each other's company - get over the hallucinations and move on! Its got to be annoying for them and their girlfriends if they ever read this kind of crap!

  20. **they are not stupid and would not be making out at a network party!** Right, so Jared and Jensen are not so stupid, but some other actors are/ Some faulty logics you have here! They have as many chances to lose vigilance as other actors. Unless YOU know them personally. And btw, since their fiancees are talentless pretentious celebrity wanna-bees, I don't find it obligatory to treat them with respect. Truly, i don't know if Js are gay or fuckbuddies or friends, but how DO YOU know they are platonic? YOU DON'T! So get off your high horse!

  21. It's true, I DON'T KNOW for sure that they are platonic...I also DON'T KNOW for sure that they don't believe in the Easter Bunny but I'm not mouthing off anonymously on the internet that they do based on no evidence whatsoever...

  22. BTW Godo, its really sad that you have to vent your spleen against people you don't know....if their girlfriends were more than 'wanabee' celebrities they would suddenly be worthy of your respect? Not that your respect is something many people would be dying to win :)

  23. **if their girlfriends were more than 'wanabee' celebrities they would suddenly be worthy of your respect? ** Yes. I always respect people who have achieved something using their skills, not a casting coach or a rich pretty gay guy to promote themselves.

    The funniest thing is that I don't think the guys care for your respect, either.

  24. Hmmmm just a few days ago, @vancouvernights made a point of mentioning that people leave their belongins, including electronics, lying around all over the set because no one would ever steal anything....Response to this?


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