Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Ring: The Final Chapter

I have gone over this a couple of times. I want you to have faith in me.  Even though you don't know who i am, I would like to keep the integrity and trust between us.

That being said.  I debated on whether to do this or not.  After a couple of shots and convincing, I called  friend of mine. Someone who I once worked with and is appearing in Bel Ami. I would normally never do this and will probably never do it again.  I'm not the kind to harass co-workers about gossip.  But, for you, I called them.

 I managed to ease it into the conversation and my friend was very intrigued.  I apparently did not know how much they love trash talk.  But as soon as I told them, they were off the phone.  I thought maybe I would hear something back in a couple of days.  However, three hours later my phone rang.

They cut right to the chase.  Call it perfect timing, or just pure luck, but my friend was actually on the set waiting to shoot. I am told they before they they started shooting, my friend saw Rob on the set.  They talked and Rob was flat out asked about the ring.  Now, when he was asked, I was told, and I quote "His face got white and I thought his balls hit the ground."  Rob told my friend that he was shocked that anyone knew, considering the secrecy that surrounded the purchase.  He told my friend that they were not engaged. I repeat NOT engaged.  The ring was simply a ring to show Kristen how he really felt about her.

Now I know you are all going to say, why would Rob just come out and say it.  I asked my friend the same thing. They claim that they have gotten close with Rob over the short amount of time they have been shooting.
They said Rob is angry at all the tabloids that hook him up with all these women and he just wanted Kristen to realize it's just her. 

Normally, I would check with some other people.  But this person is so reliable I would let them watch my baby, IF I HAD ONE!   So there it is. I guess they are engaged to be engaged?? I don't know but no wedding bells anytime soon. 


  1. HA!!!! I knew it!...and Gossip Boy, I KNEW YOU WOULD COME THROUGH FOR US!!!! **hugs** to you for running after this one...You are now officially the Gossip King!!! Now, bring us MORE...lol

  2. Love your Robsten photo it is my favorite one. You made me laugh with his balls dropping but would Rob really answer a question like that being very private about his private life? Just saying and also as you reported a jeweler you were convinced he bought an engagement ring so how can that jump from this to a promise? confused you see would he really call out a jeweler for such a gift when in this day and age he could easily do something private on the net to order. By the way enjoying your dish.

  3. HA HA! Can you imagine Robert ordering a ring off Ebay?! When you are that rich they bring rings to you and let you pick. Could you imagine if ROb had been seen going into a jewlery store. Imagine that!
    If rob was tight with this person i could see him saying no.

  4. Im glad you admitted you were wrong. That shows that you do have integrity. We should give GB more credit, not other people admit when they were wrong about something.

  5. " They talked and Rob was flat out asked about the ring. Now, when he was asked, I was told, and I quote "His face got white and I thought his balls hit the ground." Rob told my friend that he was shocked that anyone knew, considering the secrecy that surrounded the purchase."


  6. this warms my cold cold heart :D

  7. why is that not cool?

  8. thanks for the info and clarification and the effort to report as much as you can.

    seriously? you can't buy something like a ring over the internet. this is a personal gift...it's not like it's a book or something.

    how very sweet and sneaky of rob.

  9. maybe you could get that friend to ask him if he would like to marry her.... (;

  10. a promise ring tehee i love it

  11. They are not engaged. They are already married.

  12. batten down the hatches GB...the hate is really gonna start flowing now...that's ok, I BELIEVE YOU!!!! Haters TO THE LEFT!!!!

  13. Oh how sweet of Rob. Kristen is his boo. How lucky they are to have one another.

  14. Well, how can they be engaged when they are already married? Come on, GB. Do some digging, say to May '09 and you'll find out the truth.

  15. why are people saying they're already married?

  16. Its not cool that he turned white and wanted to keep it a secret. Its no longer about protecting privacy. Its about protecting Rob's single image so the robtards will continue to support him. NOT COOL Rob. I hope Kristen moves on. She is too cool for him. Too talented as well.

  17. wow..way to backtrack there buddy...hmm..smells like BS to me. Rob is a private guy..he's not gonna discuss his relationship with someone he just met a month ago during pre-production. Casts doubt over your whole story; there is no ring. Grow up people- they're 19 and 23- they arent going to get married soon..maybe ever. Let them enjoy their relationship without all this pressure. Would you want people asking you and your bf DAILY if youre getting married soon? Oh, thats right. Fatty robsteners/twihards dont have boyfriends. I feel sorry for Pattz..his career is marred by all this robsten scrutiny. I hope all you crazy robsten fans will put as much effort into supporting his films as you do snooping into his private life. jackals.

  18. ahh 7:52, I think you put a bit too much faith in ted's pot stirring. There is no robsten break, there is no drama. Rob is filming, Kristen is getting ready to promote the runaways. I'm a rob/kristen fan (kristen first) but I think this is no reason to trash rob.

    This story is great, adorable (not sure how true it is) but if it is true then great for them. Rob wasn't trying to "protect his single status" he was suprised and shocked that people knew about a purchuse that he made for his girlfriend VERY quietly. wouldn't you be shocked?

  19. I love you Gossip boy,who ever the hell you are!Keep the deets coming dude..

  20. Lynney2? Is that you? LOSER!

  21. I love your post gossipboy.I agreed ,I don't think Rob will admit that he is engaged to anyone that he's not close.This ring is an engagement ring for sure,because if it's a gift why asked a jeweler to see him personally,he can just order this somewhere.Keep it up gossipboy,but I'm warnimg all the haters will call you a liar and full of bullshitt.It already started in E.

  22. Well... this is the kind of thing that the only thing we could do is wait, to SEE that is true... how cool of you to have a friend working with Rob on Bel Ami, is that true? really??? hmmmmmmm is from the human nature to doubt of things like that.. just sayin.. wait wait and wait... is our Robsten fans Karma!!! To give a ring is sooooo Rob.. so damn cute of this part... he already gave a chanel one... so...

    Thanks for it..

  23. he wasn't busted. anyone could have done said that. I could say it right here and now. That doesn't make it true!! It was one of you insane fucken twilight freaks! grow up kiddies!

  24. Just leave them in peace!

    If R wants his "available" status maintained for his career, KStew should MOVE ON!!!

    No matter what teens/twimom thinks

    KStew needs somebody who can stand PROUDLY BY HER SIDE & CLAIM HER AS HIS!!!

    She is WORTH IT!!

  25. I dont know were everyone gets off saying he is fake. I really believe he is real. There is no proof of either so if you dont believe him back off

  26. to Anon 11:12, your preach this crap on any site you can. You always claim that Rob is trying to hide or is ashamed of Kristen. You conveniently forget the fact that Kristen won't talk about her relationship either. What does that say about her? Get over it.

  27. Thanks GB it is great i really believe in what you say.But i have a question..rob has already given the ring to kristen,it was his christmas gift for her or he gave it to her before or it will be a present for Valentine Day?s?i hope they'll be together in london for Vday's.Ask oyur friend at bel ami set if he knows something. I think we know one of kristen's presents for rob..a diesel parfum haha

  28. When did Rob gave Kristen that ring???


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