It was a show unlike one we had ever seen before. Showtime floored everyone with the premier episode of Queer As Folk and has us hooked for 5 seasons. We wondered if Brian would ever get over himself and admit how much he was in love with Justin. We watched Michael go through guy after guy all the while having a huge crush on best friend Brian, as Emmet became a cyber porn star and married the "pickle" guy. And poor Ted, he had it rough.

I was always a fan of Brian and I will be forever. That guy was so sexy, I would have never been able to say no to him. However, when Justin stumbled upon violin player Ethan in the second season, my heart skipped a beat at this sexy musician. Of course he was just a hurdle in the Brian/Justin love story, but I thought he deserved honorable mention.
But this was a show that was real. It dealt with gays and lesbians trying to make it in a straight persons world. It tried to get the fact across that we are all alike, we all have the same problems with our jobs, with our friends and especially with our lovers. Gay or straight, life is a bitch.
Queer As Folk seemed to run out of steam towards the end, which lead to the finale in 2005. Nothing ever came along to fill the void left by our Liberty Diner crew. We will never get a reunion movie like HBO gave Sex And The City, though Lord knows it would be amazing. Guess we will have to live in the past. Here are some of the best moments of Queer As Folk. Obviously I couldn't put them all, but if you feel I missed one let me know!
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LOVED that show!
ReplyDelete...was one of my fav pastimes....
ReplyDeleteI'll never forget the prom epi. The only TV show crying I've done that rivaled that was the George death on GA. Loved QAF so much.
ReplyDeleteLoved QAF. The Brian and Justin romance is one of my all time favorite storylines.
ReplyDeleteLove you GB, but seriously, how could you write this article and not mention the fabulous Debbie? Sharon Gless was THE Mother of Mothers. Loved her!!!
ReplyDeleteI never saw the US version, but I loved the UK one. It was groundbreaking, funny, heartwarming, heartbreaking... just a great show.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever see the UK version, GB?
You summed it up best. Gay or Straight life is a bitch.
ReplyDeleteIt's the human condition, and it is worthy in all aspects.
QAF - watched it faithfully and now I have all of the dvd's. Brian - the character and the dude that played him - one of THE SEXIEST men to ever exist. I miss this show tremendously.
ReplyDeleteit was a great series...and i was heartbroken when it ended so abruptly. I watched each season as it came out on dvd and couldn't get enough. It was much better than the L-Word. Miss it
ReplyDeletethe guy who played Brian got into a bad motorcycle accident and lost his role on Desperate Housewives. Hope he's ok.
ReplyDeleteI cried when it ended, but would have liked a better ending.
ReplyDeleteThey were all so beautiful, and it's when I became a Hal Sparks fan.
Loved this and miss it so much. Have all the DVDs. But, their loving fans in cyber land are still holding on to the memories through fanfic and dedicated websites.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see a movie follow-up. I hear all the stars, including Gale and Randy (Brian and Justin) are now re-thinking their angst against the series and would consider a movie.
Poor Hal Sparks. Funny, but bitter about the show. He really recented the attention given Gale and Randy. For the right amount of mula, he'd come around!
Thanks for showing this! I just finished watching some episodes on LOGO.
Love to all!
Wonderful show.
ReplyDeletei havent seen the US version only the british version also was FAF =)
ReplyDeleteinterestingly enough the guy who plays Jax in Sons of Anarchy was in the UK version of QAF:
skip to about 7mins in n never mind the ads ;)
The American QAF was a load of gob-shite!! It had nothing on the original Channel 4 British version! American television at it's worst.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if we can get the British version on Netflix. I'll have to check. Now you all have me intrigued!
ReplyDeleteMmm, just what I needed but now I'll be on youtube all day, thanks for that! What about Emmett, getting his top on - great ep. Emmett the hottie, strutting his stuff. I saw the Brit version, that was much more tongue-in-cheek. My Brit friends much preferred the American version. Now. What about you getting a new QAF going, GB?
ReplyDeleteDamn I miss QAF!! Brian Kinney is one of the sexiest characters of all time. Love this article, just what I needed!
ReplyDeleteI am straight and female and this was one of the best shows ever. The scene between Justin and Brian when they first hook up still gets me hot--coming or going or coming and staying or coming and coming. Hands down in top ten best lines in a movie or tv show. And then the whole hospital and ride home; loves it! Bring back QAF!
ReplyDeletegiggeled at hal sparks in spider man 2--elevator guy "nice spidey costume..."(shy eyelash bat)spiderman thanks...
ReplyDeleteNo disrespect, rwoods, but I find it very difficult to believe that your BRIT friends preferred the US version to the UK version! Not unless they like to watch cheesy, tacky shows for the fun of it. There are people that enjoy watching soaps for the shear ridiculous factor that comes with them. That is the only way the US version of QAF could possibly be enjoyed. It was truly that shabby. I am pleased as piss that Ab Fab didn't take off State side. There is just no way to possibly translate that show to a typical American audience. It wouldn't have been the same. US QAF should have been called something else.
ReplyDeleteWe never got the American version in my country (Argentina) -just the original British version -that I didn't watch... Now, while I manage to get the American version on DVD, I might start watching episodes on YT.
ReplyDeleteBtw, Ethan's face looked familiar to me. Well, turns out I used to see him in the Canadian tv series "Ready or Not". He was one of Busy's brothers, Dom... Very nice looking ;)
Loved QAF!!! Best show ever...come back pleaseeeeeeeee!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi, I loved QAF lol... but i want a reunion movie like you said!! It would be great!! But I miss justin and brian and wish, just wish, that they could show how Mel and Linds are in Canada, what happened to Mikey Ben and Hunter, or if Ted went out with Blake when they met at mount Flame in season 5, or if Debbie and Horvath lived happily ever after, or that Emmett and Drew Boyd got married or even - THAT JUSTIN CAME BACK FOR BRIAN FROM NEW YORK CITY!!! I would love that!! Just to check up on every one... I love them to pieces all of them and Gus and JR and James Hunter Montgommery (hunter) and Ethan and David (the chiropractor in season 1 that Mikey dated) spiced it up a notch, just those occaisonal little bursts of excitement... I want to find all QaF blogs and ask about a petition, to put names on to make a movie (it wont happen its a fantasy). Its my fave dream! But maybe in the future I will be the producer of that epic film... xx thanks guys and please stick to QaF!! xx
ReplyDeleteYou know, I always wanted Justin and Brian to be together in the worst way, until I ordered the boxed 5 season set and took the time to let the progression of events really sink in. Then it became clear to me that Brian Kinney's character, as depicted in the script, suffered from bipolar disorder that consumed him with cynicism, pessimism, hedonism, and selfishness because he self-medicated instead of taking appropriate medications. Were he a real person, without doubt he would have died a bitter, lonely, and perhaps crazy, old man --- if he managed to make it until the end without committing suicide first. Justin was flat out just too damn good for his sicko narcissist crap. It took me 5 years after the series finished to get there, but I'm finally at peace with Justin and Brian going their separate ways in the end.
ReplyDeleteAnon! Are you familiar with the concept of "spoilers"?!? I- I- haven't watched season 5 of QAF yet! I started watching online right after this post. You're lucky I don't over-react with this kind of thing. But my friend must never find out. Never.
ReplyDeleteGreat. Another secret on my shoulders...
And love for you, GB! xoxo
Anon 9:05 PM, I think you have a point. Based on Brian's ENTIRE life history, Justin had no reason to believe that Brian would ever be capable of returning his love in an emotionally mature and lasting way, so why bother with the marriage thing. Brian's anti-this and anti-that disdain of all things meaningful are classic textbook examples of a man caught up in a vicious cycle of living out his own self-fulfilling prophecies, something he couldn't possibly outgrow or overcome in a few days. Before long it would have been business as usual again, just like when Justin got bashed and almost died. Brian was great for awhile after that, but relatively soon after began treating him like disposable chit again, the one constantly recurring theme in their 'relationship'.
ReplyDeleteI liked Brian Kinney's character, although I agree the Queer As Folk writers used him to maximum advantage in terms of shock value, and mostly at Justin's expense. I would have vastly preferred to see them finally be together in the end, and think the show owed it to us after 5 years of faithful viewership. It could have been easily arranged in keeping with the storyline while making a point too. When Brian finally admitted to Justin that he loved him, the writers could have had them decide to move back in together with the understanding that they choose not to demean their love by subjecting it to a marriage institution that hates them. But I guess that would have angered marriage activist types with mouths bigger than their brains.
ReplyDeletejust finished watching all 5 seasons of qaf OMG its the most amazing show ever. ive also watched the uk version but i prefer the us version i love the brian/justin story but my fave characters have to be ben and michael hal sparks is adorable. i soooooooo wish there was a movie but that probably wont happen. i cried an enormous amount of times through the series especially at the last ever episode. i did used to want brian and michael to get together, and i hated justin so much that he got in the way of that, but after watching the characters develop i now realize that they are better as friends and michael deserved someone like ben.
ReplyDeletei adore this show xxxxx
My dream was that Ben would have died in the explosion at Babylon, leaving Michael alone, Justin would have completely rejected Brian's proposal, realising he had matured and was over him. Michael and Brian are left heartbroken, together, and Finally get together, happily ever after. Emmett and Ted get back together realising they are made for each other, and Hunter meets Daphne, the two young straight kids get together at deb and Carl's wedding! Oh and as a wedding gift, the mysterious owner of the Liberty Diner retires and leaves it to Deb, whom is now the owner instead of waitress! But thats just how I would have ended it.
ReplyDeleteI loved this show!! I am re-watching it now on Netflix! I wish they would make a movie or bring it back. Still it's great re-watching it again!!