Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Emo Jared....Just Because

I love a man in guy-liner


  1. Jared is perfect. Do you have the picture with Jensen and Jay with liners? It is manips, but very good manips.

  2. Loved those goth pics when they came out! Makes me wanna just smear it all.

  3. I think Jared is very photogenic, but this photoshoot is one of the most ridic he's ever had.

  4. Jared very nice guy liner, or girl liner?

  5. I love him but he looks like he just got bitch slapped. I hate saying that because I luv me some Jared and guyliner rocks!

  6. The guyliner looks better on Jensen.

  7. guyliner actually looks best on adam lambert.

    pitty the pics r manips ;D or are they?

  8. No, they were taken when FRIDAY THE 13 came out, emo most of the cast, all over the media for a print magazine. hey're actually real, Google 'em for the whole thing.

  9. Anon 7:13pm is right, the pic is from a real photo shoot with blackbook.

  10. This photoshoot could have been a lot better. But it has its nice moments...

    And you know? These guyliner pics GB posted made me remember how I love pictures of guys before mirrors. Putting on make up is ideal but if not, at least something like this

    Yes, tha's a manip. I KNOW! But don't you agree this thing is so gorgeous it has a right to exist some way or another? I do. And as far as I know, most of what we see is a manip. that's why people, when meeting the stars they see on the tv or the movies or wherever, can't help saying 2Oh, you're so much taller in person" and stuff like that. Really, think about it.


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