Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Extra You Write The Caption


  1. him:"she 's the mum of my futur child"
    her:"i want 2"
    him thinks:" sex with woman twice! no way!

  2. Gabi- You gimme 2 minutes with this fine man - 2 minutes is all I need to devour him!
    Jake (with tongue a little bit out) I'm just going in for a quick nibble - I loves me some chocolate milk.

  3. Gabi- I'm gonna need at least two of these to call it an entreƩ! Yums!

    Jake- And I'd like to cancel my order... please?

  4. Get back here Gaby.

    I'll take two to go

    Someone get me out of here

  5. Correction to earlier press release. Jake G is even less cool than this picture would have you believe and did in fact attend the the Oscars with "his" sister not "A' sister. *DORK*

  6. Jake pay attention damnit, poonay nay vajay jay is shaped like this.

  7. Jake: "Yeah I'd hit that"


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