Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hey Kate Gosselin, GO HOME!

It seems that Kate Gosselin has finally emerged from her makeshift dance studio in her basement and remembered that she was a mother to a whole litter of kids.  She played with them long enough to get photographed doing so and then was off tanning the same day.  Reports are that she left her kids for TWO weeks while promoting her stint on Dancing With The Stars and the kids are now depressed.  They are asking the nannies. who have been practically raising them, when their mother was coming home.  Once the show starts, she will be away 3 days a week just for the show, not to mention promoting.  I pray she is the first to go.  If you want to join the boycott, step in line.

You selfish, greedy, money hungry bitch.  You sit and whine about how much of an asshole your husband was and he proves your point.  You make a huge deal about starting over as a single mother, but the minute that your show was canceled, you had to go and find a new way to stay in the spotlight.  Everything thing that this woman does is planned out.  Her hair extensions got her a magazine cover and then she managed to get onto DWTS.  Now that the kids aren't your cash cow anymore, they aren't good enough?  I guaranfu*kintee that when your show is set to return, you will once again be playing the role of mother of the year.

Look lady, here's the raw truth.  You had us on your side, but then you went and proved us wrong.  We won't be falling for your crap again.  No one is going to be a fan of a woman who has basically ditched her children for fame and fortune shortly after their father did the same.  I think you should go home and find the woman that had those children and maybe stay away from the cameras.  No matter how much you make-up you put on, no matter how much fake hair you add, we are tired of seeing your mug.  GO HOME!


  1. Amen, brotha! I've been saying this forever - this woman is a scam artist! A few easy Google searches will show this. She's just as bad as her loser husband - if not worse! The American public can be so stupid, so fooled, so naive, so forgiving! And people laud this bitch like she's mother of the year. Please. I wish she'd just go the f*ck away. I won't be watching DWTS, btw. They've truly f*cked up on this one.

  2. If you are on the level of Jake's fame and fortune it must be easy for you to dismiss her. What a hypocritical twat who does not want to come out for the sake of losing his fame and fortune but hates someone for trying to secure a comfortable future for her children. After all what other job than a reality show would give her the chance of earning good money? How much would she be earning in the non reality show world A 100K a year not more than that. She has to raise 8 children.

    Believe me I was born into riches and I know how hard when you have to live on a middle class wage in Los Angeles once you come out because my parents removed me from the inheritance.


  3. Umm,I can't really agree with you. She's making money. She's trying to provide for her family. You think she should go back to being a nurse? She only got a two year nursing degree, which means she'd make around $40K. And, she'd probably be working the holidays and have terrible hours. Raising 8 kids, paying the mortgage on a house big enough for 8 kids on $40K? Get real gossip boy. You really don't have any idea!

  4. I don't really like Kate personally but I agree with the other nonnies ... she has to make a living and her ex isn't helping. I'm sure she doesn't hate all the attention, but be real - she's doing what she can to make the most money for her family.

  5. no one told her to have 8 kids. If she knew she was not going to be able to raise them on her own or with her husband, then don't have kids. simple.

  6. I'm with Gossip Boy on this. Those children rarely see their parents, which may or may not be a good thing given Jon and Kate's publicity hungry ways. The reason that I agree is because J & K went through a lot of effort to bring those children into this world, and they had a somewhat normal life before the show. Now what? A bunch of kids with absentee parents. Yes, raising children takes money; I have 4 and know this very well. But it doesn't take a fortune, a mcmansion, and paparazzi. It takes being there when they need you, having meals together, and giving them what it takes to become decent human beings. I shudder to think what kind of circus the lives of those children must be, and I just hope that whoever is raising them is doing it with the best interest of the children at heart.

  7. Hello kettle. Don't you often discuss bearding situations where children are involved as part of the beard. I bet those kids feel all warm and fuzzy when they grow up and find out they were born because their parents loved fame too much to be true to themselves. A lot of parents in hollywood have children raised by nannies. Write about them. I'm not saying I agree with anything about the Gosslings...because I don't, but she is working hard and Jon is being a douche. At least she is trying, even if we don't agree with it.

  8. I have no problem with a the woman having the career in the public eye. But she needs to learn how to balance it and not abandoned her children. THAT is my problem

  9. So if an soldier needs to move out of the country and fight for her country would she be a bad mother because she can't meet her children during the war. For Kate the only way she can succeed in the dance show ( her chosen profession) is to practice hard and give it her absolute best. If it means she stays away from her children a few days so be it.
    How do you expect a single mom to survive anyway. Live on welfare like Octomom.

    I am sorry but as a gay man I hoped you had more understanding that not everyone has a silver spoon stuck up their ass.

    Sorry if I come across as strong.

  10. looks like she has no choice for raise her children than become a show woman or something... you know what? i don't think so, maybe for her it's the EASY WAY to do it but it isn't the only one, it's HER CHOICE and probably because she loves attention and fame, in the world there's a lot of big families raising children in a decent way, and they're not on TV shows... i agree with GB.

  11. I am married and have one child (a son). I cannot IMAGINE being apart from him (or my husband) for two weeks. There's something seriously not right about that picture. It would be one thing if being a dance/actress was her profession HOWEVER it's not. I understand that she needs to make money - don't we all. But TWO WHOLE WEEKS without even seeing your kids - kids who are already traumatized by the divorce situation...THAT IS WRONG....

    And P.S. cut with the military bullshit. That's a low blow.


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