Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscar Mini-Blinds

This actress didn't win her category last night.  She played nice for the camera's but during the commercial she was in the bathroom cussing about the woman who won.  She made it very clear that she thought the reason the woman won is because of her gritty role.  She then asked the women in the bathroom why the winner got the award for playing someone that was so obviously close to who she really is.

This usually chipper actor was not his usual self last night. As he was sent here and there to talk and paint on a happy face, he was actually taken aside and told that he better sell his new movie and act like he is Mr. Happy.  The poor actor was having a bad week and it was written all over his face.  Though, once he got some drinks from George Clooney's flask, he seemed to be in a better mood.

Which actor attended a party with his wife and looked miserable to be with her all night?  Until his male buddy showed up and they became joined at the hip the entire evening.  Looks like he should have married him instead of the ice queen.

Which actress was so excited to see her co-stars that during a commercial break she ran over to them, not noticing that she spilled right out of her gown for everyone to see?  Not like we haven't seen them before, plus most of the guys around couldn't care less.


  1. The bored hubby has to be Matthew Broderick. He always seems pained to be sharing the same air as SJP. Sad.

  2. #1 obviously Penelope Cruz/Mo'Nique

  3. #1 I believe is Maggie/Mo'Nique.

  4. #2 is George Clooney...I know the blind says 'takes drinks from Clooney's flask', that was to just throw us off, he was taking drinks from his own flask... did anyone notice that EVERY time cameras went to George he looked pissed and bored? HELLO!

  5. #1 Penelope Cruz
    #2 Jake Gyllenhaal

  6. 1. Vera or Penelope
    2. George Clooney
    3. Matthew Broderick

  7. #1 Penelope, how does she keep getting Nominations anyway?

    #2 George, anyone else think his GF looks like ahem a chick with a dick?

    #3 Matthew Broderick looked like he wanted to run far far away from SJP

    #4 Cameron Diaz kept blabbing about just being there and seeing past co-workers is so great, blah, blah. We've all seen those ta-tas.

  8. George Clooney looked miserable ALL night. what was up his ass????

    The gritty actress winner = Monique. The bathroom whiner = Anna Kendrick. Penelope already won an Oscar and her role in Nine was nothing all that exciting. One of the last blinds posted by GB was about some chick throwing a fit because her planned dress was the wrong size and she had to get something at the last minute (which in today's posting - was Anna). So, this seems to be up Anna's alleyway (to whine whine whine).

  9. #3 - Matthew Broderick but who was his male buddy...that's what I want to know.

  10. 3 was affleck and damon

  11. i thought Matthew Broderick isnt gay?

    heard that he's actually quite a pussyhound

  12. how about marc anthony, ben affleck,

  13. i do NOT think that number one is anna kendrick. she was quoted as saying that she "could not loose to a more deserving performance"

  14. i do NOT think that number one is anna kendrick. she was quoted as saying that she "could not loose to a more deserving performance"

  15. i think #1 was Maggie Gyllenhaal, heard she wasn't happy to lose to a comedian

  16. Is it just me or has SJP just looked A-W-F-U-L at every event the past couple of years. She seems to always wear a variation of that same ugly dress paired with the same crappy hairdo. Its no wonder MB didnt want to be seen with her.

  17. Anna K is from my hometown (and we are all super proud of her) in Maine, and from all accounts, she is sweet and still somewhat humble, and not at all the type to diss someone for winning, or complain about a dress. so, i go for Vera or Miss P.

  18. 1. Vera or Maggie. I'm leaning towards Vera on this one.

    2. Jake.

    3. I heard this somewhere, that Ben was bored until he hooked up with Matt, and then was all smiles.

    4. No idea.

  19. 1. Maggie Gyllenhaal or Vera Farmiga

    2. Jake Gyllenhaal

    3. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon

    4. Cameron Diaz

  20. 1:Streep on Bullock(Mo'nique's character is a real bitch in "Precious")
    2:Clooney because he's not at ease during the show
    3:Ben Affleck/Matt Damon or Matthew Broderick and everyone

  21. ITA agree with Jessica
    #1 Maggie G
    #2 Jake G
    #3 Ben Affleck
    #4 Cameron Diaz

  22. 1. Maggie Gyllenhaal
    2. Jake Gyllenhaal
    3. Maggie Gyllenhaal
    4. Miley Cyrus


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