Friday, March 5, 2010

Prince Of Persia: Good Idea Or Bad?

New stills from the movie Prince Of Persia have been released and i am a little sketchy about this whole scenario.  Jake Gyllenhaal is sexy, but I don't know if this movie will be good for him or bad.  Overall it could re-invent the whole video-game to movie adaptation, in my opinion.

I understand he is trying to up his career, moving up to the next level.  This movie is the perfect platform to do so, but seeing Jake in this kind of role has me worried.  He can carry a movie no doubt, but this will be interesting to see.  It could work in his favor and make him the star he longs to be, or it could bomb and make view his other options.  What do you guys think about this movie and how will it affect our Mr. Gyllenhaal?

Though you must admit.  Even if he cannot pull it off, he sure as hell looks good doing it. Bet his exes are kicking themselves now.  He is in the best shape of his life and looks amazing.  So I'll give the movie a fair shot, but I must admit.  It has to be pretty bad for me to bad talk a Gyllenhaal movie of any kind.


  1. Smells like "Heaven's Gate" to me. sia We'll still love ya GB!

  2. I'm thinking it's going to be a hit. Either because it's good or because it's going to be the best Bad Movie of the year. (the kind that are so bad they're fun to watch)

  3. Whether it's a hit or not, I think JG will be fine. The accent sounds solid, and he looks good.
    Plus they're not really marketing it on his name, but more on the video game and as a popcorn action movie. (And he hasn't opened a big movie before anyway, so if this doesn't break records then no-one's going to blame his falling popularity.)

  4. Oh no. PoP. My weak spot. I don't want to jinx it but I have great expectations about this one. I don't care much for big movies but if it has Jake on it I can't help being all excited. I've been for almost a year. And I think it's going to be one of those times when all kinds of people mix in the theater room. The ones who like huge movies and the ones who enjoy great acting. And both types are going to come out richer and with new things in common.
    Kids are going to love it. PoP is going to be the most popular hero this year.
    And that image leads me to think of dear Jake G again. IDK wether that kind of success will feel like a burden. Hopefully it won't. And I somehow trust he'll know what to do with it.
    I lost my interest in Johnny Depp a loooong time ago. But I admit not even JD ever did it for me like Jake does.
    So... from one JG fan to another, worry not, Gossip Boy. ;-)

  5. the last shot is a good one. Shows a torn JG IMO

  6. I'm rooting for Jake! All the geeky fanboy gamers will be there anyway and I think Jake can pull off the Hero thing.

  7. I prefer JG in the more "quirky" films like Donnie Darko. I honestly still LOVE him in that. It's not even one of my favourite films, but I think he's just great in it and it's made me love him ever since.

    The thing is JG is a top quality 'actor'. He's not one of these "stars" who can kinda-act. He really can act, and he deserves well written roles. I sort of wish he didn't feel the need to do films like PoP, but then I can understand that there's pressure on him to do them. I'm sure it'll be decent, and I think he might surprise people but I'm not sure I'll go see it.

  8. This movie looks like a huge FAIL. He bearded to get rid of the gay rumors but so far, this movie makes him look more gay. Jake's awesome looking but to me, had they let him wash his hair regularly and not looked quite so steriod enhanced, he would have looked much better. The other reason I think the movie will suck is that whenever Jerry Bruckheimer talks about the movie, all he talks about is how buff Jake got for the movie and the director talks about the special effects and how buff Jake got. If the best you can say about your upcoming movie is that the lead is serious eye candy and nothing else, tells me the movie sucks.

  9. You guys, I'm trying hard to control my PoP excitement -but the latest comments are only fueling it. Now you'll have to put up with me...

    Remember when Diane Sawyer said that there are only a few actors at any time who can do it all and that Jake was one of them? She was absolutely right. With him, if you enjoy talent, I don't think there's much room to say "not my kind of film, really". Let Jake take you for a ride, girls!

    Don't believe me, believe the reaction.

  10. anyone out there think GB is Jake and wanted some reassurance? JMO

  11. *shifty eyes* What? No way! But I wish he had never posted this because I'm dying to see PoP. I'm an indie girl in every sense. Most of my favourite films and music have at least the indie spirit even when they come from major companies. But even major companies get it right from time to time. If you just say "No", you're in risk of becoming a snob. And, contrary to what snobs believe, THAT is just the opposite of coolness.

    JMO too.

  12. I dont remember Dunst having a steady man for years, since Jake.

  13. Bet his exes are kicking themselves now.

    What Jake's ex-beards have to do with anything?

  14. No, I don't think GB is referring to former beards of Jake. Think he's talking about the guys... As in "the guys Jake's dated".

    And tonilost, it should be difficult for anybody to settle down with someone else -after Jake. IMO.

  15. Unless the truth about kirsten and jake having a huge blow out in the middle of Chateau Marmont are true when she found out he liked boys

  16. ^ I would think "even if", really. And I mean, do woman who don't realize their partners are gay actually exist? Women who don't want to see it do. But that's a whole different thing. Innit?

  17. Hey where is GB right now?

  18. on the red carpet, didn't you see him?

  19. I have two teenage boys. They are always surprising because they can guess correctly nearly 100% of the time whether a movie (or fad, etc.) is going to be a hit. High schoolers are pretty savy about what's hot or not. According to them, PoP is going to be a hit. I believe them because they are rarely wrong.


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