Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tine Fey: Sexy, Smart & Hilarious!

In a world where young women are shown that beauty overpowers intelligence, Tina Fey shows us that it is she has a sexy side.  In Esquire Magazine, Tina gives a fantastic interview on her perception on fame.  She admits that she knows her fame will die down and that she is okay with the fact.

Here are some excerpts from the interview:

On the photo shoot:
I got an e-mail [from Esquire] with a list of the potential setups, and my e-mail back was like, Well, I need to decline being handcuffed to a bed. I won't straddle anyone. I won't make out with a cop. There are certain things, I totally get them as a premise. And they're all good fun, and if I were a young single model, they would be appropriate, but, you know, I'm a mom. And my kid's going to find this someday. I don't want to be handcuffed to a bed in Esquire.

On being the 'thinking man''s sex symbol:
"What I've come to realize is that when people say, 'The thinking man's whatever' -- there's no such thing. The thinking man also wants to fuck Megan Fox."

On working with Mark Wahlberg in Date Night:
"No I couldn't see the third nipple. And I was paid to stare at them for a day."

On her parents: “My parents are going to be like, Why did you curse that much in that Esquire article?”


  1. She is my hero. I totally admire her, and look up to her and I think she's a brilliant role model for young women and girls. She works so hard, seems very down to earth and personable and is just hilarious!

    I like to say "When I grow up, I want to be Tina Fey".

  2. I want to be Tina Fey too! *L*

    Love the last picture by the way. Mmhmm girl. I've been there.

  3. I looove Tina Fey!! And thanks for these photos I wouldn't have seen oterwise! She looks fantastic in these. Sexy and still funny. Great woman.


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