Saturday, March 6, 2010

To Go Boldly Where No Man Has Gone Before....

Down on Chris Pine!
Fake or Not....we need to have a moment

Here is a real picture, as requested.....
and a little gift for the people angry about the fake......


  1. WOW! That's a hell of a picture to wake up to. Thank you!

  2. It's 'to go boldly' or 'boldly to go' ... 'down on Chris Pine', GB!

  3. Too bad it's not Chris Pine. It's definitely fixed.

  4. Well GB says fake or not so i assumed it was fake. But still hawt!

  5. Too fake to enjoy. The real Chris is hot as he is. If I were offered this, I'd tell it to go put some clothes on. Poseurs are putrid.

  6. thank you thank you thank you thank you


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