Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday Blinds

There is a new young star tearing up the Hollywood scene.  Not that new to the world, but new to us.  He has been in the business for awhile but recently shot to fandom.  Many rumors are circulating about his sexuality and have been for years.  But he is actually NOT gay, believe it or not!  He just likes to hook up with co-stars mom's while their husbands are at work.  Not Chad Michael Murray

What actress and her current hook-up had a close call when the stick turned blue? He is a bigger name than she is and told her that he in no way was ready to be a father.  She contemplated keeping it until one afternoon after lunch, the boyfriend drove to a clinic and demanded she have it taken care of.  Young love is blind and she went in and had their little problem taken care of.  Bet these are pics that she won't be leaking onto the net.  Not Miley Cyrus

These two boyfriends have been together for years.  They have gone through hell to keep their relationship under wraps, even though we all assume it anyway.  One of the beards has turned to drugs and alcohol to ease the hurt of her "boyfriend" not wanting to do her.  When he found out, he gave her a month to get her act together or he would send her back to no-name land.  What her man doesn't know is that his boyfriend has been hooking her up with the drugs.  He cannot stand her and wants her out of the equation because he knows she is in love.  Not Sophia Bush


  1. the second one is zac and vanessa

  2. I thought Efron and Vanessa for #2 as well because of the picture thing, but I was also pretty convinced that he was gay and she's her beard. Who else has had pics leaking? Hmm.

    #3 - George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Elisabetta Canalis *LOL* Maybe not. But she looked so sour the whole night at the Oscars. If my man was sleeping with Brad Pitt, I would be too!

  3. No, actually, that's not true. I would love and enjoy being a beard.

  4. I was going to guess Jake-Austin for the third one but you eliminated Sophia. So my guess for #3 is LeoDiCaprio-Bar Rafaeli-Lukas Haas.

  5. #3 could almost be Jared, Jensen, Danneel. J2 has gone through hell to keep their relationship secret. Its no secret that Dannel drinks a lot and has done drugs in the past. Plus, Danneel's sudden silence on twitter and her stopping the tweet wars would follow with Jensen demanding that she cool it. We've also seen pics of J/D with D being the only one all goo goo eyed over Jensen, but Jensen always looks like he's ready to bolt.

    But Jared supplying drugs to D? That one I can't see, but I can see him wanting her out of the equation.

  6. @nonny 1:13,
    I agree, I can't see him supplying anyone. But who knows?

    I tend to think it's not the Js, though. There's no mention of a wife. And Danneel's bad behaviour has been about pushing her upcoming wedding in everyone's face, not dulling the pain with drink and drugs. Apart from the lie about a car crash, there's been no word of recent substance abuse on her part.
    Besides, I doubt she feels any 'hurt'. She knows exactly what she's doing!

  7. I find myself hoping number 1 is ASkars...

  8. I would love to know the age of #2, she must be young hence the "not Miley" bit.

    So sad for her, no doubt she will be tortured thinking about that for the rest of her life if she didnt really want to abort it. If you aren't ready to be a daddy then wrap it b4 u tap it. Jackass.

  9. Number 2- Demi Lovato? It doesn't mention boyfriend- just mentioned recent hookup... And, puhleese, like Joe Jonas will ever have to worry about that problem. It's probably easy to remain a heterosexual virgin when you are gay.

    Although, the perks would be wonderful, I don't think I could be a beard. Gay marriage needs more advocates, not less.

  10. Alexander Skarsgaard for #1?
    #3 - the boyfriend seems older and more experienced...

  11. Alexander Skarsgard is 33, it's not old but it's hardly young. I don't think # 1 is Alex.

  12. #3 does sound remarkably like the Js, especially because of the "even though we all assume it anyway". And maybe the "through hell" thing, we all where Dean has been on Supernatural..
    The drug-supplying thing though..

    But is there another pair where there are so many gay rumors about them being together?

  13. #2 I don't know who Ashley Greene is hooking up with lately but she recently had some nude photos leaked as well...

  14. My guess for the preggers fiasco would be vanessa/zac. For the last one I think the J's also there are rumors of Jared taking steriods; how far behind are drugs?? I mean Jensen joked about using cocaine. Then he said "don't do drugs" to the audience. We all know they love their drinks; come on gossip boy are any of us right?

  15. "He just likes to hook up with co-stars mom's while their husbands are at work." This somehow makes me think of Austin Nichols and his character in Informers

  16. For number 1, I think Askars could fit. The blind does say the guy been in the business a while and is not new to the world, only to us, so this guy is not really young. Whether 33 qualifies as "young" is open to debate, but I don't think this is a young twenties guy.

  17. for 1, i feel like the use of the word fandom implies that there is a really strong fan following for the particular person. therefore, i go with kellan lutz

  18. On Myspace, GB said the 2nd blind is between 18-25! Thank God I went to his Myspace!

  19. Fabulous blinds...gossip boy has some good stuff. Pity about the lame guesses. Seriously, people, think outside the same 3 suggestions every time. Alex S is NOT number 1, nor is J Squared number 3. No idea about Number 2 as, frankly, I neither know nor care about the younger set although I do hope they are still around post 25. Doubt it's Efron though because that would mean he would have to be intimate with girl parts. Oooh, so not happening.

  20. 1 - Bradley Cooper?
    2 - no idea
    3 - James Franco. Was going to say Orlando & his Latino hunk but their beards seem too smart & business-like.

  21. I asked my sister-in-law who has worked in movies for years about these - she laughed & said that this was about 10 minutes in Hollywood. She liked your site though and said number 3 was "at least half of Hollywood. Well, actually less because most beards aren't that...clueless." She has the best gossip but never really gives it out. Why is that ? Some unwritten code amongst movie people? She gets a lot of work via recommendation so perhaps that's part of it. What would happen if people like her talked? She also says that the industry is full of gossip and just because it's gossip on a movie set doesn't make it true either. One of her favorite sayings is that most of Hollywood gets hard over things other than sex. And if everyone got up to as much as the gossip said they did, no movies would ever get made. What do you think, Gossip Boy?

  22. Number 3 = Pattinson/Sturridge/Stewart

  23. my vote for no. 2 is zac and vanessa....sixth sense...

  24. Don't know about the other two but I'm not ruling out j2 for number 3, what with the everybody already assuming they're together anyway part and like someone said danneel was quiet for around a month. Some of her tweets definitely sound drug or alcohol induced.


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