Monday, April 19, 2010

Hot For The Teacher

Mr. Schuester looks a lot buffer and a lot sexier this season.  Here he is all hot and sweaty.  Don't you wish he was running home to you?


  1. he's a schue-in for my next teacher/student fantasy

  2. My teachers never looked like this

  3. I dont get the attraction AT ALL! Dont find the man the least bit sexy.

  4. I know I'm in the minority here but I just don't buy his claim to heterosexuality. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with being straight - as long as they don't ask for special rights like equal protection under the law or marriage, etc. Maybe he's gay and can't handle it yet. Maybe I'm projecting.

  5. Re: Whi is this guy?
    Answer: A woman of no importance.


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