Thursday, April 29, 2010

If Sandra Bullock Can Hide A Baby....

Sandra Bullock has been a name on everyone's lips for the good part of this year.  And though all eyes have been on here since she was nominated for, and won, the Oscar for lead Actress, she was able to pull off one of the biggest secrets in Hollywood.  As her marriage to Jesse James fell apart, she kept secret that she had adopted a baby boy.

It would have been one thing if she had just adopted the baby.  But Sandy has had the baby since January, adopting him from New Orleans.  She and Jesse brought the baby home in January and had been keeping him a secret, planning on dropping the news after the Oscars.  However, we all know what Bombshell really dropped, so Sandy kept Louis out of the public eye.  No one but close family knew of the baby, something that I find shocking.  Shocking in the fact that it did not leak out that she kept a baby a complete secret.  And then I started to wonder.

Sandra was able to hide a baby during a time where everyone single eye in America was on her.  She couldn't even go to the grocery store without someone reporting it, so the fact that she pulled this off is amazing.  So amazing in fact, you start to wonder just how possible this would be to accomplish.  Toothy Tile, anyone?

The reason I bring him up is for the simple fact that he is often a topic among readers.  I have said numerous times that the story of him being able to hide a baby that he shares with his boyfriend, Grey Goose, is so far fetched that I couldn't imagine it being able to be real.  But with Sandra showing us that it is in fact do-able, maybe Ted Casablanca isn't so far off his rocker.  Do you think that it is possible to keep a child hidden for years, not months?

Regardless, I am glad that some sunlight has emerged into Sandy's world and she and Louis are said to be taking up residence in New Orleans.  She has filed for divorce and finalizing the adoption as a single parent.


  1. Seems like Sandra got something good out of this drama, thankfully the baby is not old enough to be impacted.

    As for being able to hide a child, sure why not, as long as the child is not seen in public with said celebrity or if he/she is a plausible cover story given.

    People hide lots of things, look at yourself GB.

  2. ...stranger things have happened and that includes keeping something beautifully innocent a secret. I loved being a single parent. She'll have a wonderful diversion to nurture away from the hollywood strife...

  3. Well, to be fair, Sandra has been in hiding for the past almost two months. If she could hide herself, she could hide a baby.

    Now, the few weeks before THAT, well, I'm impressed.

    But hiding a newborn for a few weeks and hiding a CHILD for years...two different matters.

  4. I've followed the Toothy vices and always thought Ted C. made up the entire Baby Tile story as a way to keep up interest. But, as you say, if Sandra was able to do at a time when all eyes were on her for the Oscars and then even more eyes were on her because of her husband, then it's possible Toothy has been hiding a baby.

  5. I think it would be very easy. The "media" enables celebrities. There are open secrets they never report on and they rarely go anywhere negative. They are part of the fantasy machine. You can be a drug addict or sexual predator and not worry about it. Unless some bimbo starts wagging her tongue or there is some public record like a police report they wont report any thing bad. Unless of course you sell your heartache/dysfucntion to people or ok.

  6. Well, I think the gossip is saying SB had a deal in place with People since October for an exclusive, so the media has to be in on keeping the secret. Whether that would extend to something longterm like Toothy, you would know better than us, right?

  7. I think it would be very hard to hide a child for that long. Someone would catch on. The kid would want to go outside with them to the park etc. If two of the same celebs started hanging out separately with the same child. It would be a little odd. Especially if they are not known as a couple.


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