Monday, April 26, 2010

Jensen Ackles and Danneel Harris Voted Most Planned Couple


  1. No surprise? Felix do you agree or disagree with the poll's findings?

  2. No surprise there. Nope i mean this means something now doesnt it? haha

  3. Can we just cut to the chase and see Jared and Jensen in a Falcon Video type situation?

  4. O God please let it happen!

  5. Of course it had to be them. With all the PR work Danneel did recently there was no question. Just can't figure out why she got so quiet? She got her TV show so I guess she got what she wanted and now doesn't need to use anybody anymore except for the hottie on her arm - Jensen.

  6. He just looks so bored with her. Seriously, I'm yet to see a single photo where they look like a real couple. Or like they even tolerate each other.

  7. Seriously Radha, you are so right. Have you ever seen a man look so miserable with his intended bride?? Jensen can't even fake it with her. His smile never reaches his eyes in any of their pictures together. I wonder who they think they are really fooling. I'm in line with everybody else for the J on J video.

  8. He does look miserable. But hell, nobody's holding a gun to his head. He must be getting something out of it.

  9. He obviously thinks he is fooling 99.9% of the fan-girls - and it's probably working too.

  10. They have no chemistry at all! It always looks like he's standing next to someone he just met. so awkward. You are an actor fake it better you sex beast!

  11. yes, fuck her off and fall in love with an australian... brunette, 25... oxo

  12. Every day that looms closer to their sham wedding, I pray to the Hollywood Goddess that it doesn't actually happen.


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