Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Topless Tuesday

Liam Hemsworth
Joe Jonas
Sean Faris
Kyal Marsh
Brandon Beemer
Joshua Morrow
Eddie Cibrian
Shawn Christian
David Fumero


  1. What a fabulous bevy of beautiful bodies. Makes one glad to be alive.

    Thank you GB for the eye candy, yum!

  2. I really must be getting old. I have only heard of 2 of those guys. Old but not dead yet, they are very, very nice to wake up to, thank you

  3. I was thinking Jesus on #2. I don't think that's Joe. The ear looks wrong.

  4. GB musta been in a soap opera hunk mood

  5. Oh Eddie Cibrian you drop dead gorgeous sexy mother fucking cheating fuck....I can't believe of all the women in the world he's sticking it to Leann. GROSS. But goddamn is he hot.


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