Ryan Seacrest and his new lady love Julianne Hough seem to be going hot and heavy, and taking some pointers from Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson.
Seacrest and Hough spent time on Ryan's yacht in Italy and have been displaying their new hook-up all over L.A. Julianne went from laughing off accusations of their romance to balls to the wall flaunting it for everyone to see.
Jessica Simpson and her NFL Flavor of the week Eric Johnson are clearly in the still having great sex phase of their romance. We all know how kinky Jessica can get in the bedroom thanks to the big mouth of ex-husband Nick Lachey and the reputation of her ex John Mayer. When will poor little Jessica learn that her hot moves in the bedroom only entertain for so long before they realize that there is nothing else going on in that pretty little head of hers. Jessica is the company that Joe built and sadly to say, there is nothing more to her. Poor girl.
Ryan should relise by now that that behavior only irritates people instead of making the gay rumors go away.
ReplyDeleteThe Seacrest thing is such a joke. Everyone knows that he is a MO and that he was one of Merv Griffin's "boys." Julianne is making tall cash for this fauxmance!
ReplyDeleteYou know what, let them all do whatever the heck they want. The public has formed their own opinion and no amount of flaunting on either of these couples part will change it. Go on further into your bubbles, eventually they are going to pop.
ReplyDeleteCallie: Pop goes the Weasel! Ryan Seadrift sold himself to Merv to get a career. Now, $45 million/year makes him quite delusional. He's fooling himself and believes he's fooling the public too. Pop pop pop.
ReplyDeleteI hate to say this but the one on the right looks like a staged photo op - body language says it all. Did they have a manual about how to look together in public? !
ReplyDeleteI think in Seacrest's place he's waiting till the world knows he gay. Then he's gonna make the big reveal much like Ricky Martin did and try to cash in on it.
ReplyDeleteIt's so stupid, some of these guys are obviously gay, the gayday practically jumps off the dial, and they still go through all this stupid shit to try and convince everyone they are not. Clay Aikien is another good example.
I know this might sound silly but it's very frustrating for non-gays folks to watch. But I understand clearly WHY some of you have to play the game. As long as you're not molesting children then I really don't care what you do in the bedroom. I'm interested in good hearts and talent. XOXOXO GB
Dragonlady I have to say that you're comment - even if NOT intentional - is offensive and homphobic. Was there a need to talk about "molesting children"? Is that something gays are supposed to be known for?
ReplyDeleteAnyway. On Ryan. Isnt it possible that he might like chix? I mean maybe he was just screwing Merv for career reasons and was "gay for pay". Ryan is just an announcer and now a rich one. He doest have any reason to beard or stage this crap.
I also cant believe I am defending Clay. But I have know guys from similar backgrounds, ie Small Town Southern and very Christian, who have grown up very repressed and oppressed. Once out of that environment they blossum. I think thats what happened to Clay. And he gets my kudo's for being honest for the sake of his kid rather than living out some farce. But thats why all this old fashioned views about not outing people and people being closeted and bearding needs to stop. Most of the clays wont get out of their environments and they shouldnt feel like they have to hide and live a lie. Their
Anon 12:48, LOL, You misunderstood me on that line, "as long as your not molesting children" that applies to EVERYBODY regardless of sexual preference. I don't really think anybody has the RIGHT to be in anybody else's bedroom, UNLESS you're molesting children. Then the authorities and everybody else has the right to know what you were doing.
ReplyDeleteWhat irritates me is when obvious gay acors lie to our faces and tell us they are not, then benefit from the publicity and $$$ when they finally tell the truth. They perpetuate the problems when they do this, cause then everybody seems to follow. It's becoming this viscous circle that's causing more problems that anything. IMHO that is. I know all about HW demands about actors appearing to be straight so they can work.
I'm not homophobic, I think anybody who's read some of my posts get that. I love men and women, I watch gay porn and love it, and I'd rather have a dozen gay friends then some of the two-faced straight ones that pretend to be nice. And I'm not saying that applies to you at all Anon, please don't think that's directed to you.
I wish HW would stop assuming gay actors have to hid and just hire good actors who can and will work.
That's all. As for small town boys and girls who grow up in that environment I feel nothing but compassion and a lot of sadness for them. Maybe if HW would start promoting 'Gay is Okay', then they wouldn't be forced to live lies.
Yeah Dragonlady. Somebody should start a campaign to get people to realize that gay actors are better actors: Considering gay actors have been "acting" straight convincingly for almost 100 years in HW!
ReplyDeleteJust compare the number of straight actors that have tried to do a gay role and not been entirely successful (Eric Stonestreet on Modern Family is a huge exception to that!) with the number of gay actors who have successfully played straight. Gay actors are better actors!
I'd love to list the gay ones currently playing straight, but then that would eliminate all the fun here wouldn't it!
To BobNYC - love you!
ReplyDeleteEric Stonestreet: I thought he was gay and just playing over-the-top. What a piece of straight work is he! If this guy doesn't get an Emmy I'm gonna rip into somebody's shorts. And not in a fun way.
ReplyDeleteBobNYC said...
ReplyDeletedo it!!!!!
Ryan Seacrest "gay for pay"? LOL!!! He's 100% gay. The Hollywood machine is all about "appearances" and selling that to the general public. He's no dummy and he wants to stay on top (career wise that is...cough, cough, wink, wink). He will have his beard, have a kid or two, and then be on his merry gay way.