Farrah holds a strong front up while out and has been struggling to maintain the career that she wants, though her box-office numbers have dove down almost has fast as her weight.
FF is also a back stabbing whore who sleeps with any man that she can get her claws in. Her latest beau was a set-up that she had planned for a long time. No matter that he had a wife and a baby on the way. But once his wife lost the baby, she sank her claws in and snatched him away.
FF has a dark and twisted past, one that she has tried to distance herself from for years. But the problem is that Famewhore had a baby at a very young age with a man that she NEVER should have been sleeping with. Farrah gave the baby up for adoption and has tried to make up for it ever since. But word on the street is that FF's little love child is gunning for her.
Farrah could never deny it, the girl looks like Farrah cloned herself. But FF knows that no matter what she has done in the present, if her little secrets came out her entire reputation would be flushed. Not to mention that her hunky honey would probably take half of his and roll out.
Quite a web we weave, Famewhore Farrah. Should have kept those secrets locked up like Fort Knox, because your people are talking. And if they are worried, you should be too.
It's Not:
Cameron Diaz
Nicole Kidman
Katie Holmes
ReplyDeleteI feel that the intention is to make us believe this is Angelina, but maybe it is someone else.
ReplyDeleteWhat is Cameron Diaz doing in the AIAs anyway? She doesn't have any offspring.
Yes, the Angelina connections are there: dark past, quality time with offspring, strong front, stole the husband, Fort "Knox".
ReplyDeleteHowever, I don't think this is Angelina.
How the hell can it be Angelina...did Jennifer Aniston have a baby on the way? "rolls eyes"
ReplyDeleteYou took the words right out of my mouth anon 4:22.
Jennifer Garner. She is getting skinnier by the day. Plus she is not the sweetpea she pretends to be.
ReplyDeleteAIAs associated with Tom Cruise..? Hm who else. Cruz?
ReplyDeleteAnon at 4:36pm: I thought of Cruz when following the "It's not" as well.
ReplyDeleteHowever, she doesn't have any offspring to spend quality time with.
And knowing how GB LOOOOOVES (Not!) Reese Witherspoon, I even thought of her when I read "backstabbing ho" lol
Anon 4:36
ReplyDeleteWasn't there a story about how Tom Cruise tried to date Jen Garner but creeped the hell out of her?
Maybe she's the connection - lol.
Okay this should be really easy..as sad as it is...who's wife just lost a baby? Cause that would be the guy. Can't be too many of those around.
ReplyDeleteWow those are some pretty strong words GB, you didn't even try to fu**king hid it there. Could this be a little personal?
Its supposed to be Angelina as Jen was rumored to have miscarried. I say yawn I think there is more hiding under Jenn Anistons' veneer of sachrinne boring blah and she deserved to get left because she seems like a bitch. BTW as Angie is in her early 30s it's stretching it to state she could have a child old enough to gun for her. The tabs, and biographers digging for dirt have gone over this womans' life with a fine tooth comb they haven't found anything(and yes I know about Fake ala Ferocity) .
ReplyDeleteAnon, no-one "deserves" to be left (except for abusive husbands and the like, OF freaking COURSE)...
ReplyDeleteIn Jennifer Aniston's case, though, because she was left by that horrible douche Brad Pitt, she should consider herself lucky.
"Famewhore had a baby at a very young age with a man that she NEVER should have been sleeping with."
ReplyDeleteHer father?
"...the girl looks like Farrah cloned herself."
Is Jon Voight really that evil?
Angelina. Everything fits. If (and I mean if) she had a child as a teenager that child would be a teenager today. Also - the AIA's all are linked to Cruise and the movie Salt was originally to have had Tom Cruise as the star. It was re-written for Jolie.
ReplyDeleteI'm jumping on the Angelina bandwagon for this one. It just makes what she and Brad did to Jennifer that much worse. I don't care if someone's a bitch, no one deserves that.
ReplyDeleteBTW- Glad you're back again, GB!
Seems like it could be A.J. the man she should never have slept with? Either her dad or brother. The thing that doesn't fit is the declining box-office, A,J. is doing pretty well with Salt, unless it refers to the fact that movie revenue is down overall this year. Plus she's in pretty good weight it seems. She lost alot after her mothers death, but looks pretty healthy now. so maybe its not her. Everything else seems to fit.
ReplyDeleteDo more than one abortion count as a miscarriage? Just asking!
ReplyDeleteat the person who says no one deserves to be left yup some people do deserve to be left if they don't treat their spouses right whether or not they hit them or are abusive THAT IS WHY DIVORCE LAWS HAVE CHANGED FROM 1950 so that when someone is unhappy in a marraige they can walk out
ReplyDeleteDidn’t Angelina sleep with her mother’s boyfriend? That’s a no-no. Was she 16 or 14? Didn’t she graduate early? The kid could be 19 or 21.
ReplyDeleteYou can't have an affair when your 14 that is called STATUTORY RAPE if there is a child as a result of rape then she is legally a victim of rape not a slut.
ReplyDeleteSee if even if this was angie, I think they could control this one and curve it in her favor. Would Brad really leave because she was an unwed teenaged mother? I don't see it happening. But, if they both stand as a united front, then this could all turn in Angie's favor. That unlocks a new market to Angie fans. Unwed Teenaged Mother who "make a "difference". You're welcome Publicist.
ReplyDeleteI would love this to be Reese because she is so fake. But no man near her had a wife and an almost baby that we know of?
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Angie had a live in boyfriend at 14.
why would 14 year old angie have the baby? Wouldnt she just abort? Makes no damn sense. Must b someone else.
ReplyDeleteI don't think this is Angie as the blind states that her BO numbers have gone down and Angie just had a hit with Salt.
ReplyDeleteAugust 4, 2010 1:33 AM - angie LOVES life. the gift of life. hence all the adoptions. maybe the adoptions are compensating for something..
ReplyDelete'famewhore farrah' = FF = 'fake a la ferocity'. so maybe...
ReplyDeletei don't want this to be angelina though. tom cruise is a clear link, but that could only lead to penelope cruz or, who else did he used to date?
again the box office numbers dropping isn't angelina but the being thin thing is for sure...
Lol I, too, wondered if it was Reese when I first started reading.
ReplyDeleteAngie guesses are good, but I feel like something isn't quite there.
How about Julia Roberts?
ReplyDelete..didn't andrew morton's said autobiographic book on angelina come out aug 3rd?...
ReplyDeleteAngelina was inappropriate with her brother, remember she pashed him at the oscars, so who knows? And yes she has gained weight recently but still is alot skinnier than what she used to be.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, Salt is doing well now, but ever since her highpoint "mr & mrs smith" her films fell short. The none of the films afterwards achieved similar success "changeling" "the good shepard" "wanted", "mighty heart (that was supposed to get her an oscar nom).
It really sounds like angie. I'd love her daughter to be megan fox hahaha! but i doubt it! Anyone find pics of megan fox's sister?
Found a pic of her sister, inconclusive. See for yourself, several pics there.
But yeh, not very likely coz angie but then again maybe thats a reason NOT to have an abortion, because the mother is child or a family member the father?
Pass the popcorn, this is a biggie....
ReplyDeletefor those asking why a 14 year old girl wouldnt abort, kids that age just dont have the experience to back up many of their actions. It happens all the time. The girl just doesnt figure out she's knocked up until its "too late"
ReplyDeleteIn other cases the girl thinks the baby will change things, the man will love her forever or make him his wife. Or the baby will love them when no one else does. This is why most teen girls dont abort. They have some kind of psycho fantasy about how it will all play out.
The question remains though HOW the child found out. Was this an open secret to all involved? I was adopted and as a teen I would not have really had the resources to track down my bio parents. There is all kinds of legal crap to deal with and you really need a PI or lawyer.
This is totally Angelina. The link to Tom Cruise would be that he was originally supposed to play the lead in Salt. Also, Salt has not done that well at the box office, she has a troubled past, she's always looking for a photo op, and supposedly slept with her Mother's boyfriend when she was 16. This would mean the kid is now 19. It's also been mentioned in different places that Jen did have a miscarriage with Brad. It all fits...
ReplyDeleteI could see this being Angie - BUT - her movies aren't on the downslide - she still makes money and they are doing well. Also, we know so much of her wild past, that would her reputation really be flushed if word of a baby came out? And would Brad really leave her for that? I mean, Angie is a pretty wild child, we all agree with that. I can't see this hurting her at all.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, i have no guess...
"Farrah gave the baby up for adoption and has tried to make up for it ever since." Angie doing all her humanitarian work and adopting all those kids. The reason she adopts so many kids is because she is compensating for adopting her own out!! All makes sense now.
ReplyDeleteIf its not Angie, who else does it fit better?
So obviously Angelina! This is very plausible since Angelina is now 35 and if she were let's say 14 or 15 when she got pregnant and gave birth, then that child would be 19 or 20 now. This is past the legal age and would be able to retain the services of an investigator to track down the identity of her birth parents.
ReplyDeleteAlso, someone previously mentioned that it is known that Angelina had sex with her own mother's boyfriend and could have been impregnated by him or even more horrifying - her own brother since much has been speculated there too.
So jen lost a baby. I thought one of the reasons brad moved on was because she was having to much fun being jennifer aniston and didnt want to have kids.
ReplyDeletealso... isnt it funny how jen has a spread in bazaar in between salt and the book. jen always comes up with something when brangalina are in the news.
ReplyDeleteOMG! Its Julia Roberts. I cant believe I didnt see this before. She made her hubby dump his wife remember? GC! Its JULIA RIGHT???!!! EAT PRAY LOVE!
ReplyDeleteHow about JLO she has a TC connection her movies are on the downslide and Marc Antony was married with kids when they got together but had always had a thing for her.Also the twins are featured her new Gucci ad And she is old enough to have a kid in her 20s. It wouldn't be a stress to imagine Jenny from the block leaving her kid with a relative or family as opposed to a hollywood teenager who would definitly abort.
ReplyDeleteNot JLO, her husband is not "hunky" at all, certainly GB wouldn't think so.
ReplyDeleteAs for Julia Roberts, yes her film success isn't as good as it used to be, and has been linked to alot of men. She did start seeing Danny Moder (he seems average looking, not hunky) when he was married. His then wife DID have a miscarriage.
However both JLO and julia haven't lost alot of weight, as GB states,
Infact Julia says she's even gained weight for her most recent film: http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2010/07/15/_julia_roberts_gained_weight_filming_e
And neither does the sort of humanitarian work Angie does to get good press, nor get photographed as much as Angie with her kids.
What about Tori Spelling?...She has gotten really skinny, and Dean was married when they got together. Plus, she's ALWAYS photographed with her kids.
ReplyDeleteNo...I don't think this is a true BV. I don't believe it at all. If Angelina had a child looking for her, she'd welcome them with open arms. Her rep was already that of a wild child at one point. No one would be shocked by this. It would also be more publicity for her. Because the love child is from her past, Brad wouldn't leave either. How would Gossip Boy know if Brad would leave? Did Brad tell him if Ang ever had a love child he would leave her? There is also no way Gossip Boy knows that the love child is looking for Angelina, and Angelina doesn't.
ReplyDelete@crila 16, I disagree that she would be so welcoming. What if its something she is ashamed of, like who the father is? Or that she adopted the child at all?
ReplyDeleteAnd sometimes a spouse will leave, if they feel deceived or if their spouse is revealed to be a hypocrite. Maybe thats where GB is coming from.
Can't be tori, since when has she been in the box office? Tv n thats all.
I don't think it is Angelina since she has never been out of the spot light long enough to give birth. Plus she has been pretty open about all her vices--drugs, sex, cutting etc. If you read Halperin and Morton's books--they really don't cover anything new that she hasn't mentioned in an interview. So I don't know why she would suddenly decide to clam up about a baby. And if Jon Voight had known he'd have blabbed it by now wouldn't he?
ReplyDeleteAdoption laws usually state that the birth mother has to give permission for the child to contact her. It would be easy for any actress to simpy state if contacted they weren't interested, that being said I would assume that either the BI is false or the child was raised within the family by a relative.
ReplyDeleteSounds a lot like Angelina. Like others said, she's gaining weight back (finally) but her body is still not what it used to be, and Salt is the biggest hit she's had since Mr. & Mrs. Smith. My guess is the father is her brother - she really loves her brother, and probably wouldn't want to abort their baby, but she definitely wouldn't want this to get out. Wild past (cutting, drugs, etc.) is one thing, but pregnant by your brother? No way could that do anything but damage her career.
ReplyDeleteAngie. And Megan Fox is her cloned offspring. Angie had her at 11 years old. LOLOL, this is such a crap blind-could be ANYBODY, just like most of the other blinds. Know what GB, you should give it up altogether because when you have even bothered posting lately, it's all been LAME.
ReplyDelete[Do more than one abortion count as a miscarriage? Just asking!]
ReplyDeleteDOES more than one abortion count as a miscarriage? it's that what you mean? hope you have dinner ready for your hubby!
It says that he would take his half and roll.
ReplyDeleteAngie and Brad have six kids. But only half of them are really his. The other three being adopted would probably stay with her.
And it states that she had been planning on taking him for a long time. Who knows when Angie planned to hook up with Brad?
A miscarriage can really screw a relationship up. When I had one, my husband blamed me for it, because I 'didn't want his anymore of his kids.' Which was not the truth, there was just something wrong with the baby. Had we not already had a kid, I was considering leaving. Who knows what Brad said to Jen. But the miscarriage could really have driven a wedge btwn the two. A friend of mine also had a miscarriage and it ended her marriage.
I think it is Angie.
This is Julia Roberts. She has had a long list of affairs with hollywood men. Further, in the past she was concerned bankable like "Fort Knox" by the press but in recent times she has struggled to maintain her career. She also has tumultuous relationship with the paparazzi in the past when it comes to her kids- which would explain the "caught" comment. She reported gained weight for her most recent movie "Eat, Pray, Love" (http://news.softpedia.com/news/Julia-Roberts-Gained-Weight-for-New-Film-Loved-It-149927.shtml) but has since lost it. Additionally, she famously got in the middle of Danny and Vera Moder's relationship a number of years back - after Danny's ex wife miscarried (see http://aboutjulia.com/site/2004/06/julia-roberts-preggers-with-twins/ ). Danny is now her husband and was characterized by Julia as a "hunk" when she first met him on the set of "The Mexican" (see http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000973/news?year=2004)
ReplyDeleteThis is Julia Roberts. She has had a long list of affairs with hollywood men. Further, in the past she was considered bankable like "Fort Knox" by the press but in recent times she has struggled to maintain her career. She also has had a tumultuous relationship with the paparazzi when it comes to her kids- which would explain the "caught" comment. She reported gained weight for her most recent movie "Eat, Pray, Love" ( http://news.softpedia.com/news/Julia-Roberts-Gained-Weight-for-New-Film-Loved-It-149927.shtml ) but has since lost it. Additionally, she famously got in the middle of Danny and Vera Moder's relationship a number of years back - after Danny's ex wife miscarried ( http://aboutjulia.com/site/2004/06/julia-roberts-preggers-with-twins/ ). Danny is now her husband and was characterized by Julia as a "hunk" when she first met him on the set of "The Mexican" ( http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000973/news?year=2004 )
ReplyDeleteWhy is this even blind?
ReplyDeleteTotally Angie.
The press respects her but there's always been chatter that she plotted on Brad and deliberately stole him. She stole Billy Bob away from Laura Dern, afterall. Even I have heard whispers of Jen's alledged miscarriage. There was a scandal involving Angie and one of her mother's bf's that was swept under the rug? Could this child be a product of that, perhaps? I really don't think she slept with her brother, I think he's gay and their relationship is more sisterly. I'm more inclined to believe that she only transformed her bad girl days for the masses and is the same ole bitch behind closed doors. This is totally Angie. Too many people agree that she is fake, can they all be wrong?
I don't think it's Julia Roberts-she keeps her kids out of view for the most part-and doesn't parade them around for the paps.
ReplyDeleteJust can't see this as Angelina... It says "Farrah holds a strong front up while out and has been struggling to maintain the career that she wants, though her box-office numbers have dove down almost has fast as her weight." So this means Farrah's career is struggling - and Jolie's is definitely not. "Wanted" was a massive hit and "Salt" raked in $37m its first weekend, second only to Inception. She's banking $20m per movie.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, "Once upon a time, Julia Roberts was top dog. She commanded more than $15 for the thriller "Duplicity," but thanks to low returns at the box office she was forced to drop her rate to below $10 million for the upcoming film "Eat, Pray, Love." The only thing that doesn't fit is if you compare the exposure Roberts gives her kids... but one fact that doesn't fit means it doesn't fit.
So Roberts and Jolie don't fit 100%... Instead of trying to force a round peg into a square hole, let's figure out who ELSE this could be....
Jolie? Alba? I can't think of anyone else who is married with kids who has a pretty good reputation. "pretty good"
ReplyDeleteactresses with a Tom Cruise connection would be AJ & Jlo.
ReplyDeleteactresses old enough to have a daughter gunning for her Julia, JLo (in their 40s) more likely than AJ mid thirties
the actresses who have recently lost weight.
Jlo(recently lost baby weight) , Julia(talks about gaining weight for EPL) and Angie(anorexic?)
The actresses whose movies and salary has gone down dramatically JLo & Julia (SALT is a huge hit)
Actresses considered fame whores Jlo & Angie
Actresses who stole their man all 3
My vote is Jlo
No way is JLO's husband hunky, he looks like a toothpick lol
ReplyDeleteForbes top 10 highest paid actresses are:
1. Sandra Bullock: $56 million
2. Reese Witherspoon: $32 million
3. Cameron Diaz: $32 million
4. Jennifer Aniston: $27 million
5. Sarah Jessica Parker: $25 million
6. Julia Roberts: $20 million
7. Angelina Jolie: $20 million
8. Drew Barrymore: $15 million
9. Meryl Streep: $13 million
10. Kristen Stewart: $12 million
The Forbes list is annual salary not per film and also includes revenue like residuals Aniston and Parker get alot of dough from their TV shows but each makes about 8 million per film. Per film the highest paid actresses are Julia, Angelina, Reese and Sandra .Julia's salary went down for EPL and was 15 mill Angie made 20 mill for Salt and for her next movie with JD.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised some very, very obvious clues seem to be overlooked here...
ReplyDeleteLocked up tighter than Fort KNOX? Like KNOX Jolie-Pitt?
Hunky honey would "roll out"? Brad Pitt's next upcoming film is "Moneyball".
Get her "claws in"? Anelina Jolie played Tigress character in Kung Fu Panda.
The love child is "gunning" for her? Strange phrasing unless you consider there are an awful lot of films where Angelina is the woman with the gun (Wanted, Salt, Mr & Mrs Smith, etc).
Plus the references to weight loss versus dwindling box office return, husband stealing, dark past, trying to "make up" for putting a child up for adoption...the list goes on and on and on.
There are rumours that Jennifer Aniston had a miscarriage, sadly
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like Angelina, however this blind sound too crazy to be true
The "not list" is probably an additional clue
ReplyDeleteCameron Diaz
Nicole Kidman
Katie Holmes
one thing they all have in common is height - they are all tall women. Also, they all have been at one time or another Tom Cruise's- real or pretend girlfriends.
It's a fake blind item about Madonna.
ReplyDeleteSomeone on another site suggested it was about Madonna...
So I checked on Google: there is a Luizo Vega, a photographer who's been adopted and is 36, but not Madonna's child.
He's made a film based on the (false) legend of an unrecognized child of Madonna... so he's made a film and trying to get a buzz thanks to Madonna's name... how cheap to set in.
The film is supposed to be out in August 2010, just a few days after this blind... coincidences are extraordinary (cynical tone).
Try Google and you'll many interviews about the reality in magazines.
Check out this interview (in French) for a famous magazine where he speaks about his film and admits he's not Madonna's child:
So tell us, Gossip Boy, what did you earn in exchange for making the buzz for his film and "forgetting" to "check" your sources before posting this fake blind item?
Or is Gossip Boy merely a buzz medium from the industry disguised in gossip site?
I don't know what to think of Gossip Boy but I'm positive other blind items are possible crap and I won't come back here.
Hey Ingrid, if only you would take really serious stuff just as seriously.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, I had to come and add my own little hateful comment because I caught Ingrid's in my iGoogle feed thingy and... it pissed me off. Stupidity has that effect on me. Yeah, I should know better by now...
So... don't come back here, Ingrid. Go save the world from, uhm, "buzz". I blame your parents for the nazi-friendly name they gave you, btw.
GB, delete me if you have the time. I'm on the verge of Tourette's. It's a condition. :-)
Have fun, everybody. :-)
Skinnier, dark twisted past, hunky honey will take half of their offspring definitely Angelina Jolie there. The never should be sleeping, sounds like family member there, kinda lead the conclusion she has child with her brother. Wonder her secret daughter looks like, is she the older version of Shiloh who resemble little Angie a lot.
ReplyDeleteyou know what's dark and twisted? working out personal demons over A BLIND ITEM!! Jeez ppl this is a gossip site and GB works with what he gets. Also, puh-lease don't let this site become the Angie vs. Jen dumping ground for those with small lives and weird attachments to celebrity. Gossip implies that there's a 50% chance it's purely speculation which is half the fun, right? Just sayin'
ReplyDeleteInteresting that in Pitt's latest interview, he admis to NOT having adopted Maddox, Zahara and Pax. The "take half of his and roll out", yeah 3 of 6 are his.
ReplyDeleteThe child is Georgia Jagger born 1992 when Angie was 17, not the late 90s. That's what's throwing everybody off and making them think the child would have to be Mick's son Gabriel who was born in 1997. She was not married to Jonny lee Miller at the time. Angelina is a natural blonde hence Georgia's blonde hair. Every other feature is a dead ringer for Jolie. Everyone is afrid of this coming out, which is why they go out of their way to tell us that georgia inherited her blonde hair from her mother jerry Hall. Because they know that most people do not know that Angelina is a natural blonde. They probably also put out the fake gossip about it being Gabriel because they know that would lead nowhere and then this would lead everyone to think it's not true. The best way to tell a lie is to tell a bit of the truth. So correct on Mick Jagger, Jerry Hall and Angie. But incorrect on which child is involved. It's Georgia Jagger and Angie was only 17 so she was not fully in the spotlight. Just go through google imagea of Georgia and scroll through the pics. You"ll be shocked at what you see.
ReplyDelete^ OMG this is hilarious, i just came from a site called FemaleFirst who posted this. leave it to them, a handful of seriously mentally ill women who are obsessed, and i mean OBSESSED with angelina jolie to the degree that they have no lives other than "digging up info" and making up crap about a woman who doesn't know they exist. hahaha keep wasting your lives, you rabid pack who post day in and day out as "guests"! check out the site if you want to be entertained, there are some serious psychological mysteries dwelling there.