Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In Case You Missed It

Wow, can you see the excitement of being a newlywed on Megan's face?  BAG is just finally happy he convinced someone to walk down the aisle while Megan seems to need an escape plan.

Kate Gosselin was pictured taking her kids to get their hair cut which we all know can only mean one thing. Filming on Kate + 8 has begun.  I'm sorry but she does realize that they are in Pennsylvania and not HW right?  I really wanna see her break one of those hooker heels and do a faceplant.  Too far??


  1. No - not too far by a mile. In fact, I'd love someone to just follow her around for a few days carrying a huge photo of her before she gave birth to her H'wood career... err, I mean kids. Now THAT would be funny...

  2. love it! btw, she looks like dina lohan here...you just know she's waiting to pimp out her kids and live off them too just like dina. oh wait, she already does. my bad.


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