Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Penis Monday

Jake Gyllenhaal
From "Love & Other Drugs"
Nick Ayler


  1. Schwingggg!! Love seeing some Jake peen! Surprised he was so aroused in that scene...also thought he'd be meatier...but I sure wouldnt toss him out of my bed or push him away while on my knees...just sayin

  2. Woo-hoo! Thank you GB for the Nick Ayler, can't help it, this guy is just hoooottttt!! ;-D

  3. Ummmm Jake. Maybe he had a fluffer come in and help. Nice GB, nice. SO very happy to see Penis Monday again. Now how about some up close and personal? Maybe fire up the webcam and give us a little Penis GB, waist down is fine with me...come on show it know you wanna. Dragonlady wants a three way, Dragonlady wants a three, me and BoBNYC.

  4. Bwahahahaha, thanks!

  5. Sorry to break the magic, but that's a table, not a penis.

    It's obvious in the moving version.

    Trick of the light.

  6. Bwah ah ah.... Dragonlady, you are cracking me up! Wasn't there a past Penis Monday where everyone was pretty sure it was a cameo appearance from Gossip boy's? Hmm, he never did tell us whether or not that was him, LOL!!!

  7. @udontknowme22: Yep, there sure was a photo, and dude had a lovely handfull! I wouldn't make a very good beard, I'd always be trying to get on that, climbing his leg like a monkey.LOL ;-)

  8. If you look very closely, you can see that's the table-not Jake peen. LOLOL, it also looks like he's wearing a ring-

  9. LOL... gotta agree with you there Dragonlady, pretty sure I would suck as a beard too, but mainly because I have a twisted sense of humor sometimes :-D


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