Monday, April 4, 2011

Penis Monday

We searched high and low for a nice cock short to start off your week.  And this is the biggest dick we found.........

Since his enablers are turning on him and booing him off stage during his recent "comedy tour," we hope that reality might kick in.  It's over, Sheen.  Pack it up and ship 'er out.


  1. AWWW this is no fair. We were expecting a dick and you showed us an ASS instead.

  2. Sorry, but your stuff is getting really stale and predictable, and you took that reference to enablers from someone else on twitter.

  3. OMG... What do you mean GB took a reference from someone else? Could you be more specific? Would you say he "borrowed" it or reather, that he "stole" it. Cause there's a difference. They say "Talent borrows, genius steals"... so I would have used "stole" in this case. Just saying. :-)

  4. Not what I was expecting, GB. Heaven knows I missed you and your pe... your Penis Monday posts so much. Keeping my hopes for next week, then.

  5. It doesnt matter if he "borrowed" it or "stole" it, the point was it seems more and more of "his" stuff it being taken directly from other sources including the commentary.

  6. Maybe he's bored. I'd be, you'd be: blogging isn't exactly thrilling. And I'll admit I feel guilty for wanting GB to keep doing this for us dumbasses. "Readers" was too big a word for us from the go...

  7. He called him a dick, how is that stealing. I think you are being to critical. He called them enablers, because...well thats what they are


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