Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Gaga Conspiracy Theory

Not long ago, there was a blind item somewhere regarding a female celebrity who had a friend, or sister, dress up as them and managed to fool many a paparazzi.

Most blinds aren't really that blind to me, but this one got me curious.  In my head, the only celebrity that would be able to pull that off would be The Queen Monster herself.  With her outlandish outfits and often face covering gear, it wouldn't be hard to have someone cover for you when you are not feeling up to it.

I began to monitor the situation, but one thing sold it for me.  I was in New York City for the week of Gaga.  Her free concerts, her CD release parties, her appearances.  I couldn't go anywhere without a signs for Lady Gaga appearances lining the scenery.

That was also the week of the Idol finale, on which Gaga appeared.  I was too busy to watch the finale. Frankly I haven't watched Idol since the days of Jennifer Hudson. As I began to hear that Gaga was on the show, I was a little surprised.  As I watched the performance, I began to realize that this might be what I had been looking for.

Viewers who watched the performance know that the stage was kept dark, almost completely dark.  "Gaga" performed the entire time about 20 feet above the audience, hair covering half of her face and pounds of make-up.  It became pretty obvious that Gaga was not actually singing herself, and then at the end it was downright obvious.  As the camera got as close as it was allowed, it was hard to make out if it was actually Lady Gaga herself.

Do I sound crazy?  Maybe so.  But if you watch the performance, and you look at the Gaga festivities that took place in the city that week, it mares you wonder.  I open this to you to discuss.  Prove me wrong, prove me right.


  1. I thought her Idol performance was pre-taped at a different time?

  2. I can see where you're coming from GB, but if I was Gaga, I wouldn't choose the most high profile singing competition watched by millions of music fans, run by some of the most powerful people in music, that would be recorded and broadcast to the entire globe as one of those days where I send my sub.

  3. GB, My friends and I live in NY and we were wondering the same thing. We were invited to a CD release party that night before and she was there until about 6 am. We watched AI and thought something was off about the performance.

  4. The American Idol Gaga has more 'meat' on her bones than the usual Gaga (just watch Born this way and compare).

  5. Born this way on SNL then watch this one! I agree

  6. I personally don't think her sister performed for her on idol. I mean, the stakes are high especially at such a successful show. Plus, she was singing live- what assurance do we have that her sister can sing. I don't buy into that at least not on this performance. I mean her sister does look a lot like her, but she definitely didn't perform for her that night. That was Gaga.

  7. But she didn't sing live. I watched it on YouTube and she did stop singing in portions. Not 100% on it not being Gaga but not 100% that it is.

  8. I was there in the audience for her AI wasn't pre-taped, but I can't say 100% it's she or not. If she's using doubles, I would think that maybe she did the AI performance herself, and her double maybe did some non-speaking public appearances (if there were any).


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