Friday, April 30, 2010

Lunch Time Beef Cake

Jake Gyllenhaal is providing us with our Nooner today.  Who would like a side of this served up for lunch?  We all know Jake has gone back to his pre-PoP body, but damn!  Can we start filming the sequel right now?


  1. WE????????????????????

  2. eeeuuuuwww Jakey does nothing for my lady parts. He looks a bit like Deputy Dog to me. Not sure about this movie either...

  3. ...ready...willin'

  4. OK, now GB, you seriously need to put a warning above photos like this. One look and I had to search for a fresh battery for my pacemaker. My tongue is so salivated now I seriously need to lick something. Damn you GB! Yum Yum and Yum.

  5. POP has convinced me that Jake is not Toothy. There is no way Jerry B. or Disney would risk $150 million dollars on someone who said to be the identity of mothers of all blind vices, "Toothy Tile".


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