Friday, April 30, 2010

Meet Delusional Dorothy

When Delusional Dorothy lived in her ho-hum life, she always dreamed of what life would be like when she escaped and got to live in the technicolor world.  She already had some fame, but nothing like the needy girl really wanted.  She seemed like a sweet girl, but we all know things are not as they seem.

One sunny day, Hurricane Hollywood swept the girl away and landed her in the magical land where she felt that she belonged.  Poor Delusional Dorothy had no idea that nothing is as it seems, especially in the land of HW.  She fell for a sweet boy that she had known forever and she had a role that brought her so much fame and notoriety that she was on an all time high.  The night she planned to lose her big V, she found out her equally pretty boyfriend was gay.  When she put the moves on him, he laughed and asked her what the hell was wrong with her.  He thought she was in on the bearding, which poor Dorothy so was not.  She soon found out that the people she considered friends were actually the ones leaking information behind her back.

As Dorothy's entire world became that of a fiction novel, she went on a mission to lose the big V.  Boy did she lose it, and in a big way.  Not only is she no longer a nun, she began sleeping her way around town.  Poor girl, she just wants to be loved and find something real in HW.  And let's face it, sex is pretty much the only real thing in this town. Dotty has her eyes currently set on one guy that has been in a relationship longer than she has been in the business.

One night Dotty was at an event, lushing it up and promoting herself.  She was at the bar and met this fine looking actor.  It's no secret that he is far from single and he isn't the kind of guy to cheat.  He simply had admired the young Starlett and struck up a conversation.  Poor Delusional Dorothy mistook his admiration for flirtation and thought the stud had a thang for her.  Since that night, she has been on the path of destruction.  Not only has she taken up a friendship with someone that is just trying to jump on her wave, she has been plotting a ways to run into Stud anytime she can.  She actually has her people on full alert and stops at nothing short of rushing to a Starbucks he is sitting at.

Dotty is now singing to the tune of a twisted love song and has spent her days coming up with ways to get him out of his relationship.  Girl has even gone as far as to try and "leak" their new "relationship" to certain mags and gossip columns to see it they will start up the rumor mill.  Hopefully, Stud and his woman will see this storm coming from a mile away because if not, it could rip their storybook romance to shreds.

It's Not:
Anna Torv
Genevive Cortese
Selena Gomez


  1. Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron. But who could Vanessa be trying to "catch"?

  2. Vanessa and Efron seem to be the answer to every BV that is published by GB. HOw about we come up with fresher guesses?

  3. This is not Vanessa. She is Black Sheep, i agree. We need some different candidates. It's obviously a television actress who has some kind of music in her history I would assume from the Nots.

  4. Im thinking someone from Kansas, since the Dorothy reference.

  5. Leighton Meester and The Sparkly One

  6. Considering that he included Selena in the mix, I am lead to think it is someone from Disney or Nick. Not sure what she is on, but then he threw in the actress from Fringe on Fox. So now I am torn, and Gen is married so I do not have any idea really. How can we get more clues?

  7. I don't exactly know who this is but the IT'S NOT actresses have one thing in common: they are TV stars on show with a sci-fi angle. Anna Torv on Fringe (network), Genevive on Supernatural (cable) and Flash Forward (network) and Selena on Wizards of Waverly Place (cable.)

  8. This really does sound like Leighton Meester. She dated a gossip girl costar and we all know how straight those guys are! She also played a virgin singer on Entourage. Plus, the Leighton Meester/ Rob P. rumor was in the gossip blogs recently. And, Rob P. and Kristen definitely seem to have that fairy tale romance going on.

  9. This sorta sounds like Taylor Swift.

  10. It could be Leighton but it says the Stud has been in a realtionship longer than she has been in Hollywood. Rob P. and Kristen haven't been dating that long. A year, maybe 2? Leighton got really famous in 2007.

  11. Hm, not entirely convinced it's Leighton. She started acting in 1999 by appearing in Law & Order. Plus, didn't she have a supposed sex tape with a former boyfriend while she was with that guy on Gossip Girl?

  12. ...hummm...Amy Adams?...

  13. Proofreading is your friend GB! Anyway. Even if you are fake your shit is still way better than what Ted tries to pass off as gossip. Plus you dont have a bunch of tweener fangurls infesting your site like a bad case of crabs.

  14. Anon above: Not proofreading was always my argument against Jake G as GB. For some reason, I assumed he would know better. Maybe not. Perez Hilton went to NYU or Columbia and there's always typos on his site.

  15. I used to get annoyed as well, but lately there has been less errors.

  16. Miley Cyrus is my guess.

  17. Hannah you crack me up. You write about the typos: "there has been less errors." You mean, like... there HAVE been FEWER errors?" LOL LMFAO ROTFL. Just call me the grammar nazi. Actually, no don't.

  18. Wow, you are right. Sorry about that. Maybe I am not one to judge :(

  19. Could losing "V" also refer to the show "Visitors"? Is there a young actress on that who would fit the description?

  20. Slutty Cyrus I tell ya! Gotta be her. If not, then Taylor Swift.

  21. Blake Lively? Hasn't there been rumors about her and Ben Affleck floating around?

  22. I think it's Miley Cyrus too!

  23. I'm going to throw out Annalynne McCord.

  24. Details mag had the same covered head shots with Pattinson.

  25. I think its miley...

  26. Does GB give clues over Twitter? Dammit, I need a Twitter account.

  27. Lassie and Rin Tin Tin.

  28. I think it's Leighton Meester for two reasons: 1) it really reads like her life - "engaged" to a GG costar (Sebastian Stan) who pings like crazy, then she dumps him, rumoured to be with Chace's BFF Ed Westwick (ping ping), followed by this strange Rob Pattz rumour.

    And, GB is really tied into the GG, OTH, 90210 crowd, and seems to gossip about them a lot.

  29. This may be older but what about Jessica Simpson. I remember hearing rumblings about her being mad at Jensen Ackles claiming that he wouldn't sleep with her in a magazine. I always assumed she was just nuts because he kind of brushed it off saying he didn't know her that he just met her. She flipped out and said he was cheating on her with Leanne Rhymes too. This was back when he was still on Days of our Lives. She was supposedly a virgin and she's gullable. I dont know I'm just reaching LOL trying to join the conversation.

  30. The only link I see between the 3 AIA's is that they all were TV co-stars with their suspicious relationship partners.

  31. It's totally Miley. I know she says she is a virgin but she can act so slutty sometimes, plus the new guy fits perfectly with Liam, who was indeed taken when they met ;)

  32. Joaqfer, I totally think this is Lea Michelle too. She treats all her costars like crap (which would explain why if she is angry with them for keeping Jonathan's sexuality a secret from her), she "dated" Jonathan Groff from Glee before he came out officially, she met Jonathan while on broadway in Spring Awakening (they were "besties" before Glee, it hints to her being a singer, AND, Lea Michele is set to play Dorothy in the upcoming Dorothy of Oz animated feature film. It seems like he is really pointing to her in this, at least to me.

  33. i agree with lea michelle! and jonathan groff for being her gay ex-bf.

  34. Pattinson and Stewart are both gay.


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