Friday, April 30, 2010

Week In Review

Channing Tatum took his wife Jenna Dewan and his new 70's porn mustache out for a shopping trip in Soho, but poor Jenna couldn't keep Channing's attention.  He spent the entire excursion on his cell phone.

Justin Timberlake went on a shopping spree in Starbucks and his eyes about popped out of his head.
Angelina Jolie took baby Knox out on the balcony to appease all of the photographers that she summoned to the hotel.  She felt the need to remind us that she is a mom to some innocent kids that will soon be corrupted by her Hollywood ways.
Maddox Jolie Pitt found the keys to the boat and tried to escape before shit got to deep with the Jolie family.  Sadly he was caught before he got away.  Maybe next time, buddy.
Sandra Bullock reminded everyone that you do not have to go out of the country to adopt a child.  She also showed that she could give two shits less about Jesse and his pussy overload problem.  She has a new man in her life and he already has more sense than his almost Papa.
Somehow, we got a glimpse into the imagination of Sam Ronson and most of Hollywood.


  1. ...GREAT way to send me off...hee hee thanks gb...

  2. Too bad they couldn't just pull the trigger and end her misery for ALL of us and herself. She'll never make it to 30 anyway, be super lucky if she even sees 25.

  3. JT looks like someone is squeezing his balls really hard! LOL!

  4. Poor Linds. She should pose for Playboy, I bet that would jump start her career again. LOLOLOL!

  5. No, you xenophobic ass, you don't *have* go leave the US to adopt a child - but if you ever saw an orphanage in a third-world country you'd understand why so many do and wouldn't judge...

  6. Ther are babies that need to be adopted here! Stop worrying about other countries, they dont care about us.

  7. What a scary pic of Jolie!! Nearly sh!t myself...


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