There once was a boy named Jake.
So lovely, yet quite fake.
He picked a girl, said "Let's give it a whirl,"
But alas, not a bed did quake.Jake Gyllenhall
So, as the dust settles from the imploding of a showmance gone bad, we start to wonder if word on the street is actually true. Could Jake really be done pretending as everyone claims? I'm sure you have all heard the rumors, and probably even believe them.
While it seems that Jake is actually wising up and taking control of everything, his friends say different. Some are worried that all of the pressure could come down on him. One friend says that Jake acts as if his career isn't what he wanted it to be. While Jake's career has been quite successful, he feels as if he hasn't reached his peak yet.
I am sure all of his fans would agree and would advise Jake to do what makes him happy. He has been loafing around, hitting up basketball games, spending time with his sister, Maggie Gyllenhaal
He is currently set to start production on Source Code, which begins filming in Montreal in early March. The only problem I see with that is, Source Code is a Summit film. And we all know Summit, correct? 'Nuff said.
Here's my advice, Jake. You only live once and this is your career. Why work so hard for it if you can't enjoy it?
Did you just out Jake?! I noticed his name is a link for Brokeback Mountain.
I hope Jake does finally just come out! We love you Jakey
Thank you for finally talking about Jake! Keep it up!
YES! Keep the jake info coming
Well if Jake is moping around, now he knows how Austin felt during his showmance.
Jake is so hot, I wish he would just be honest
Who said that Austin is engaged to Sophia? BULLSHIT! If he were, Ted C would be like flys on crap all over the news, drawing parallesl to Ackles and Padalecki and Jake. So, more reasons to believe GB overdramatizes to lure readers in!
My bad guys, I have no idea why I said they were engaged. My only defense is I wrote this at 3 am.
Austin is bearding with Sophia . They are long-time friends and are selling their fauxmance for publicity, to promote One Tree Hill and themselves.
Jake is still with Austin. According to Ted C they are still very much together and in love. Keep up with Toothy Tile and Grey Goose. Their love story is the greatest blind item.
I hope Jake decides to be himself, particularly when the pressure of Disney ends after Prince of Persia is released. It's great he got rid of his nasty and unpleasant beard at last.
Here's a recent pic of Jake with a pinky ring...
Thank God he ended the showmance before it left him totally ball-less and with no career. If his career isn't where it should be, he should have never agreed to bearding for almost 3years and for picking a horrible movie like Prince of Persia. Not only does the movie look like a total fail, but it looks like a total campfest. If he couldn't hack gay rumors after Brokeback, can't even image how bad the gay jokes will be after Prince debuts. He should do what he wants. But come out Jakey, we will still love you.
If you know so much, is there a kid?
For someone who supposedly on a soap gossip boy, you sure have a lot of free time on your hands. Perhaps you are an extra?
he is not on a soap, you critics are crazy!
Keep reporting on Jake. I never even knew half of these things, so I'm happy you are catching me up!
Hi Gossip Boy, could you tell us what you know about Jake and Austin? I love them together. If you can't talk openly, please give us a blind item about them. Thanks!
Most people connect Summit to the Twilight franchise but what they (and you GB!) don't realize is that Summit also did The Hurt Locker.
I think GB meant Summit likes to hold up an image.
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