If the couple did in fact manage to pull off a wedding days before the date fandom has reported it to have happened, it would be a major coup. Jensen and Danneel are very aware that all eyes will be on them in the following days. Jensen can thank his bride-to-be, who I will now call Frozie, for a good part of the media blitz. Danneel has been very vocal in the past about her upcoming nuptials, casting even more suspicion over the relationship.
Hardcore Jensen fans cannot seem to fathom why in the supernatural hell their beloved Winchester boy would ever want to marry a woman like Frozie. Besides the fact that they dream of a Jensen/Jared wedding instead, they believe that Jensen's sweetness could never mesh with the fake demeanor of Frozie Harris.
As we sit and wait to hear any news from the wedding party, one wonders if it really will happen. I know we thought that maybe, just maybe, Jared's wedding would not happen and it did. But I just cannot imagine Jensen and Frozie actually going through with it. Maybe for personal reasons, but I pray that he doesn't.

Looks like Frozie will get her dream wedding in a castle with her princess....er I mean Prince Charming. Wonder if Jensen suggested the castle so that after the ceremony he and Jared can just stash Frozie and Horsie up in a bell tower and live happily ever after?
I really don't care if they are married or not, J and J, obvously. So many gay couples are married with women. So, I think that they do what they have to, protecting their career. About Gen e Danneel... Well, be happy... We firmly believe in J2 and sometimes, who knows, they can be happy like John Barrowman and his gorgeous Scott Gill
"Wonder if Jensen suggested the castle so that after the ceremony he and Jared can just stash Frozie and Horsie up in a bell tower and live happily ever after?" We all wish for that, GB dearie, but even if that's the plan Jared and Jensen have in mind, I am afraid they won't send us the newsletter with pictures.
And hon, the consensus is that the wedding is next week, and Frozie (I LOVE this nick, though imo it fits Jensen better) must have already sold the rights to a couple of staged, stiff shots from the wedding to JustJared or some other rag that would contribute to the fanfiction that is Jensen and Daneel's epic (albeit to remain unconsummated) love.
Love the new nickname, Frozie is perfect, she looks like a wax dummy.
I certainly hope that this rumor is false and at the 11th hour Jensen will come to his senses and back out of this mistake in the making.
As has been commented on before they have no connection to each other in public when one would imagine they would at least try to look like they are in love.
I wonder how Jared's wife - Cortese - is mocked, but somehow many SPN fans are still sympathetic towards her, while Danneel is either loved or hated with such a great passion that leaves me wondering there must be something special in the broad for Jensen to marry her and for the fans to dislike her with such a vigour...
oh, GB...bb, you are such an attentionwhore fangirl.
@Nonnie 3:04
Guess it's clear Danneel does surf the net and keep tabs on the rumors. Calm down sweetie, name calling won't make us believe you any more.
Wow, thanks Gossip Boy for your input. I was wondering when you were going to mention this fiasco of a wedding and the rumors circulating that the wedding was this weekend and not next weekend. If in deed J and J are true, and I believe they are, I am disappointed at Jensen's choice for a beard, but he chose her for some reason that we are not aware of. Weddings or not, I believe J and J to be true. We'll see how this all plays out in the next week. Keep all the Supernatural fans posted, Gossip Boy; you know there are millions of us out there that are waiting anxiously for any type of news on our two beautiful, sexy ghost-hunting brothers.
If I were Ms Harris and had such a hot stud as Mr Ackles as my bridegroom, I'd keep him chained to my bed, not surfing gossip rags..... If she has time - or CARES - to do that...what a poor, sickly, unfucked mess Ms Harris has to be....
@Nonnie 2:47pm
By that logic Cortese isn't special at all and there was no reason for Jared to marry her. Cuz if she was special everyone would have stronger feelings about her. It's pretty obvious why people don't dislike Cortese as much as Harris. Some people do dislike Cortese and some don't. Just like with Harris. No one is ever liked 100% by everyone.
This was too funny "Frozie" is the perfect name for Ms. Harris as of late her face has looked like it was frozen in place, not cute. As to the wedding whenever it happens because it will, of this I am sure. There will be pics released Danneel will not have it any other way. Jared and Gen look so awkward together. Gen has awful posture and should stand up straight if I has just gotten married to a hot ass like JP I would be looking a lot more enthused. Although everyone is trying to sell us on the cuteness of their epic love. I just don't see it.
Jensen looks very gay in that denim jacket and scarf.
Finally, another item on the Jensen/Danneel wedding. I have become slightly obsessed with this - maybe it's because Jensen almost always looks miserable when he is photographed with Frozie. Loving the nickname by the way. I agree with you, GB - it seems Jensen's people have tried to take control of the trainwreck that Frozie set in motion with her little PR Blitz over the nuptials. However, I have no doubts that this wedding is going to go ahead - if anything, I thought that Frozie's sudden silence showed that this relationship is being governed by the powers that be. I am still holding out hope that Jensen calls it off for any reason, or no reason at all - coz Frozie is one scary plastic attention-whore. I don't care if Jensen feels he has to have a beard for his career - I can't possibly know the kind of pressure he is under in HW. With Supernatural winding up, his career is going to be super uncertain in the next few years. But please Jensen, anyone but this scary frozen woman, who clearly values his fame-factor more than she values him.
GB you certainly know your audience don't you? I get the digs at Danneel as she seems to be a true bitch but Gen seems okay. I am surprised you threw in the Horsie dig as lately your comments have been pretty neutral about her but I guess you knew what would get the rabid fangirls on your side.
Thanks GB. But do you really think Jensen's people are running the show? I find that very hard to believe. It seems to me that he is the victim here and clearly not happy about it. If his people were running the show, surely he would have been able to make a better choice. No heat between them? Hell, there is an asbestos wall between those two. My sense is that of all the people involved in this circus, its Jensen who is the most miserable.
BOBNYC I agree with you about Jensen seeming the most miserable but you know he choose to go through with marrying Danneel and he is a big boy and despite it looking a little off if they were to break up he should do it if he is that miserable. I see those two making each others lives a living hell. No wonder the rumor is he bought property with a separate residence. He can get away from D and her shenanigans when he needs some peace and quiet. Bearding sucks!
This all smacks of a contract if you ask me. Jensen gets a GF/wife to trot out when necessary and Frozie gets more exposure than her Maxim shoots could ever give her. Honestly, I have to believe there is a contract here, or there is something about Frozie that the rest of us just don't see. It would also explain Frozie's silence after the pr madness she stirred up. I don't know why Jensen would hook up with a woman who clearly doesn't make him happy - the lead photo with this story is the only time I have seen them together with Jensen looking even half happy. AS for Genevieve Cortese, at least she and Jared seem to have a friendship, I haven't heard enough about these two to really comments. What does everyone else think?
Thanks for the update GB, keep 'em comin'!
All I can tell you is that I have pretty good insight (Supernatural cast insight) that the wedding has not happened yet and won't be on the 15th either.
If I'm wrong, then Jensen has lied to everyone, including the guests to the wedding...
Yes, I think there are contracts all around. I don't think Jensen had much say in this. I think it is all manufactured and he wasn't given a choice. The HW powermavens are nasty, nasty, nasty. They control people's lives because they can. (Do this or have no career. Simple as that.)
I wish you'll all leave them alone it's up to them what they want to do. Half of these comments make you all seem crazy. And I'm sure you lot are way more smarter than to bitch and moan. Come on live and let live. Life is too short to be worrying about other peoples problems. And he's not fecking gay either! That jacket is awesome maybe not the scarf. peace to you all.
@nonnie 8:20 pm
It's a blog about celebrity gossip. Plus, if they wanted to be left alone, they wouldn't have dined at a popular pap hotspot a few weeks ago.
Seriously you are going to be that petty. They done that once it's not like they are following the paps and besides we haven't seen them do much. Apart from that and the film premiere they haven't been seen much. They're just doing what young couples in LA do.
i just wanna say that they have no chemistry at all and Jensen never looks truly happy when he's with D, i guess he's trying to convince himself about how happy he is with her, you know, a lie told often enough becomes truth. Good luck!
Jensen is not a victim here, it is part of fandom tradition to make Jensen the victim and the bottom (I don't mind the latter in fics, though). Many gays in HW have beards or pull PR stunts to make the public believe they have gfs, but noone is making Jensen MARRY Frozie if he does not want to. Maybe they have a contract to cement their relationship but he hassigned the contract and I am sure there was no gun pointed at his head when he did that. So if he gets a good project out of this deal or he ends up sinking himself in booze and harder stuff, it will still be HIS choice.
Some choice! Sign or no one will ever hire you again. You think that doesn't happen? Ask yourself what extreme condition would be required for someone to MARRY somebody with whom they have no chemistry. You think the studios and agents and "handlers" have no power over actors?
This whole sudden engagements/marriages within months of each other just raises a whole lot of red flags for me. Ted's sudden silence since Danneel's Feb. visit over at E! also raises some red flags for me. The fact that Jensen looks mostly miserable when photographed with his intended unless of course he has been drinking or appears stoned does not convince me that this is a happy occasion. Again, it is not my business to judge, but body language does not lie, and their body language does not convey to me a couple in love about to be married. I truly hope we are all wrong and that Jensen and Danneel are in deed in love, but I just don't get that when I see them together. I have yet to see a photo or video of them together that would prove otherwise. Again, I wish them both happiness and good health. I really do.
Frozie, how perfect! You are awesome GB. Everyone keep praying to the Supernatural goddess that this "wedding" doesn't really happen!
Martina:I am guessing the wedding will be on the 22 then since a certain co-star let the cat out of the bag but really it could be any of these dates I doubt we will get confirmation until the date is come and gone and the happy couple is off on their Honeymoon. Smart man Jensen better to keep it a secret than keeping info on the internet where fans can just come upon it. I am looking at you Padaleckis. If it wasn't for some "helpful" fans more of Jared's wedding info would have been out in the public domain. I am sure he doesn't care since he is more than likely too bust being lovesick over his purty new wife. Jensen has real legit crazy cake stalkers so he must keep his shit on the DL.
at anon 2:32...captain jack...."sigh"
Just want to say that it's great to see that there are so many people who share my opinion.
Jensen always looks uncomfortable when DH is around and I can only hope that he will get the strength to finally show his true self and that he won't live a lie anymore.
He is such a great guy, he shouldn't do that to himself.
I suppose as long as everyone understood what they were getting into I shouldn't throw stones. Still it seems odd that someone would allow themselves to be forced into something like this. Couldn't they just turn around, tell the suits they'd spill the beans on themselves, everyone in the cast and on the PR stunts the suits have been arranging ruining the franchise? They'd have some lean times but everyone involved is such a brand now, they'd find new homes and have some street cred to boot.
apologies if this shows up twice, my computer is acting a little wonky. Too much GB!
I need some clarification on some technical details here...since I know Jensen's slept with at least one girl, more than once, he can't really be gay. So wouldn't he be Bi? OR did he just experiment and decide girls were icky? and he is gay? So if I'm a girl and did a little experimenting in college but ultimately prefer men, does that make me Bi or just a 'person with a past'? I'm confused.
spill anon! How long ago was this did Jensen sleep with this girl. Also, yes gay guys sleep with women all the time when they are still trying to figure things out. Or he could be bi it is all about how he self identifies based on his preferences. He could also be bi but prefer men or vice versa imo sexuality is pretty fluid and not so black and white.
wow I dont believe it.....so is the wedding the 15 or the 22.and by the way which co-star let the cat at of the bag.love the new nick for danneel.and I only have one think to say to jensen you can do much better.... run,run,run.
to Anon at 4:34 pm...2005ish and since I think there were only a couple of different hook ups for him that year, I'd hate for him to read this and figure out I was kissing and telling...
Are we talking about Jensen sleeping with Joanna Krupa or someone else.
Was she a beard or someone he was trying to figure his sexuality out with?
Is Jensen Ackles gay?
It wasn't Joanna and it wasn't a beard...it was hot nasty mind altering sex.
I've never had mind altering sex. Poor me.
He went out with Tania Saulnier for a brief period around that time. Was Tania a beard or a real girlfriend?
nope not her... lol! you guys will never get the name, give it up I'm not telling! maybe it was just a random bar pick-up...twice...
Divine Brown? LOL.
He slept with me!
Anon at 6:24 well like I said I don't kiss and tell but if you did you have to know where a particularly remarkable freckle lies...so if you did spill it.
He has a freckle an inch above his anus.
I was thinking of the one just above his hair and belly button....
Does he still wear that Albert Ring?
not in 2005
Was he still wearing his favorite butt plug?
why would he need to? fingers work
He tells me that the plug takes a lot of the preparation time out.
WTF is going on here?
God you lot are a bunch of sick loons. seriously he ain't gay and stop saying you slept with him you look just sad. Bitching about someone you don't know just makes you all look very small. And any remarks about this comment I don't frigging care cos I can just sit back and laugh at how sad all the lairs out there are. You're all just comical and petty. Kiss my Ass you bunch of freaks!!!
Dear ANON at 7:23, I never said I was gay, I said I was thinking I was Bi because I happened to experiment in college. I also never said I was a male, you just assumed I was. And what ever you are straight or gay, a little fingerplay with the back nine is fun if your both consenting adults. And if he consented then that's between me and him, I'm not the one posting info about Albert Rings and Butt plugs. I said he wasn't gay when I was with him. Get a life.
You need to get a life. Like you REALLY dated Jensen. And are you a celebrity? Yeah and you come to Gossip Boy, Please. No celebs come to this puny rip off of a site
Jensen and Jared sitting in a tree
First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes a pound rescue on a designer leash.
..or sonmething.
A celeb? Good god no, I'm a writer. Date...no....mad sex...yes. He's a man, they all pick up in bars once in a while. I just got lucky, twice. Now I'm writing a movie for him...and what are you doing? lurking on GB and cutting everybody down, LOVE IT Hypocrite. (Go to dictionary.com to look up that big word dear).
I know the meaning, especially if a twit like you can spit it out without choking. Then again Im sure a slut like you no longer has a gag reflex. Oh PS, good luck with your itty bitty movie
Sounds like you know all about spitting and gagging. And itty bitty...sounds like the level of a certain female's talent. IS this Frozie? Don't worry hon, your not good enough to be in any of my movies.
If you call you and some stoner friends in your Mom's basement with a video camera movies, then I am good. Thanks for the offer. If you wanna brag about fucking JA, then have proof.
IF you read the entire comment section, and IF you knew anything about JA then you should already be aware of the freckle map that was laid before you. Obviously, since you either can't read, or cannot compare it to anything i.e. his freckles, you are simply a rabid fan. ALSO, since you are the one resorting to name calling and foul language it would also indicate your own level of intelligence and upbringing are closer to mom's trailer park than mine. Begone demon one, your stench doth foul the air!
GB Hurry stop that Cat fight LOL. Hey I am writing him a movie too but I never slept with him; my husband won't allow it LMAO. Dang him LOL In other news: When are DH and JA getting married.....MUAHHHHHH!!!!
Ellen O
In all seriousness, we are supposed to believe some nonnie writer has come onto Gossip Boy, a barely known site? Sorry, GB I love you, but no one knows of this place. It is a well kept secret. I doubt anyone connected ever comes here. And the freckles? You need more proof than that. You could find that out in some way.
Personally, this site isn't that hidden and since GB is in the know no reason that anyone would have to lie. I mean come on Peeps Jensen is a man and he is only human. Many men have slept with women in bars especially in HW. IN the 80's I might have run into some of them myself but in a different area of the country. I'm just sayin' stranger things have happened no reason to say it is not true; Cause things happen. I think we have to just trust people some times and believe cause we might never know the truth on some matters, srsly.
Thanks Ellen,
I apologize, it got out of hand. In 2005 JA was only known for Dark Angel, Supernatural hadn't even really started. He was a cute guy in a bar. And I said I wasn't going to kiss and tell and I did. Sorry JA where ever you are right now. My point WAS he wasn't gay when I knew him.
No worries; things happen. :)
Wow this is unbelieveable, why would you say something like that, sleeping with JA, really? That is just embarressing, and wow he might not be gay, but gay for JP maybe, and he must have been drunk then, in the bar,you said? He must have beeen stoned, and confused. If he is Bi which i think he is, then Im not surprised. Really people on here shouldnt be aruguing over something that we dont know for sure, GB knows something, JP and JA both, and even they arent gay, they are for each other.
Thanks GB.
I just don't get you people just because someone says they were with JA suddenly they are a liar or he was drunk? That is just not logical. Now if one of the rest of you made a confession you all would expect us to believe you? Why not respect this person who confessed? You see there is no reason but jealousy that you would not believe them. I mean just because its HIM(JA) he suddenly is a god and normal people can't be with him? That is just crazy talk. Sorry I had to say that. I don't even know the person and I think they deserve some respect for putting themselves out there.
Yeah I thought I was done before.
Ellen O
there's many pics of Jensen shirtless, there's one right down to his barely there blonde pubes so anyone can find out the freckle thing, im with everyone else, have some fucking respect for Jensen, everyone has a past, doesn't mean the whole world needs to know about it. Many gay guys have slept with women first its no biggie, I think Jensen has enough attention whores using him already don't you? give it up and leave the guy alone
Why has no one else noticed that GB hinted that Danneel would prefer a princess to a prince? I've been hearing that rumour on and off for a while now. Maybe they are Ted's double-beard?
Or was GB calling Jensen a princess?
GB was calling Jensen a princess I think
Yeah, Gossip Boy was calling Jensen princess. Look, Jensen's had gay rumors following him around for years since his Days of our Lives stint. I guess it's hard to shake those rumors off and to be honest, his appearances with Jared at conventions, red carpets, and behind-the-scenes with the two of them joking around on the set of Supernatural didn't help to put these rumors to rest. Plus, the sudden change in their behaviors with the gay rumors haunting them and then the back to back engagements and these marriages, I don't know. None of it proves to me they are both straight and as a fan, I don't care about their sexuality at all. I just care about their happiness and their success as actors. I wish them both a healthy and successful life.
OMG...can Jensen just be BI with a pst who settled on women/men now..that way he can feature in all your dreams..
firstly let me say that jensen is NOT GAY.....& about this princess thing it was meant for danneel. SO DOES ANYBODY KNOW WHICH CO-STAR LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG??????? & stop with all the rubbish....
Jensen is sooooo gay!
no sorry the princess thing was meant for Jensen, he is gay, maybe just for Jared but still, he is gay and Danneel is a beard as far as i'm concerned. Guess its too much for his fangirls to put aside their fantasies and show him a bit of support, they'd rather him straight and miserable.
Are you saying the Tuesday blind is about Danneel?
2:37 How do you know Jensen isnt gay? Are you another person that slept with him? Oh my goodness, why oh why......Really i cant stand how people can say oh he is not gay, how do you know, there is so many actors, actreses that are gay bi, maybe even both, whoch really i dont like, if your gay, be gay, if your bi then be bi, dont get why just hide and be unhappy, i mean if your like makes you that unhappy, why not just be happy, and live with who you are, dont lie about it or yousef, that is just ehhhh!
Life* sorry and which*
He's gay for Jared, I think. He only smiles, really smiles with him. And if I were lucky enough to sleep with Jensen, I would keep it to myself and not have to brag about it. The memories would be enough.
Seriously, Danneel is yucky. Sure hope he signs s pre-nup
People make stories up. Some are well prepared & some arent but they r still made up. I can make a story like that up about somebody but im not going 2! Dont always believe what u read no matter how its written!
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