As the forecast predicted a Tornado and possible hail to come later in the evening, a wedding took place between an actor an actress that has been shrouded in doubt since their engagement began.
As fans sat and hoped that it wouldn't happen or that Jared would drive up in a black Impala and stop the whole damn thing, Jensen took the manipulating redhead to be his wife. No matter how much Frozie and I do not get along, I am told that she looked stunning. Of course she did, this is Frozie we are talking about here. I wouldn't be surprised if she leaks her own photos.
It is my duty now to congratulate the happy couple. Regardless of everything, it's clear that Danneel is getting the man of
I almost feel embarrassed to say this but....I think Daneel looked pretty cute before her Botox/plastic surgery pictures lol
Jensen is a dream. Look at that man, he's just perfect!
Dear GB,
We love you for being so sweet. Such a charming tribute to the newly wed couple. I expect Frozie will be uploading photos during the reception with be fat 'HA HA Bite Me!" as captions.
Would we be happy if it was anybody else? Is there anybody we could be satisfied with?
So who's hatching the plot to get this mess sorted out? The quicker Mr. A is single again the happier we will be.
I don't know what to say, but Gossip Boy, you pretty much said what most of the Supernatural fandom is thinking. Jensen would make anyone happy and I can't say for sure whether this marriage is the real deal or not, but it happened. Now, both Jared and Jensen are married so I guess the gay rumors can be put to rest? We knew this day was coming and I just wish I had a better gut feeling about Danneel, but I don't, with the way she handled her tweets (before she was shut down) and her interaction with Ted C, I didn't think it was appropriate; either way, we don't know Danneel, but you, Gossip Boy, appear to know Danneel or know of her, so my heart is a bit heavy for Jensen. He seems to be a nice guy and I truly wish him good health and happiness. I also wish Danneel well too. I just wish I knew for sure if this was the real deal. We'll see soon enough when we get some wedding photos and I hope Jensen's smile is genuine this time.
Luv Jensen and Jared! Hope they get everything they want out of this. I just want them to be happy. Having said that...
This should be their first song...
Gossip Boy, I freaking love you for putting the picture of Jared and Jensen in first. You're so passive aggressive! Brilliant!
If you weren't gay, I'd ask you to marry me! I'd be your beard any day. Hell, gay men marrying straight women seems to be all the rage today - wanna get hitched after all?
Danneel made his bed. Now he has to LIE in it.
Well it really happened. Jensen I wish you the best. I hope you and Jared are happy with your choices. I hope the cons are not all weird and stuff now. However, I do not think this event put "rumors" to rest. This event just put a little twist and a little stank on things. Cheers!
I dont think THIS would put the rumors to rest, as i know, there was some and few others i got info from a community, that this lady, seen Jared and Jensen con getting friendly. I wasn't going to share this because this comm mostly annoys me now, and also Jared was so sweet to me I felt guilty gossiping about him. But it's not like you are ALL annoying girl-hating wankers and some of you will enjoy this, so here goes.
When Jensen came into the autograph room and Jared was already signing, on the Saturday evening, the first thing he did was this: he came right up to Jared and started massaging Jared's shoulders where he sat. He was leaning right over him, Jared had to duck his head a little bit.
Eventually (lol it was probably only a few seconds but I was so captivated it seemed longer) Jared said "Heyyyy, brother!" in a very deep voice and Jensen pulled away, to sit down and sign his own autographs.
I took the "hey, brother" thing as a "wtf are you doing Jensen our love is supposed to be FRATERNAL and there are all these fangirls here" but miles will vary.
What really killed me was that it was less than an hour since they'd last seen each other, because it wasn't long after their joint panel on stage.
Those two, idek. I wanted to say that I can't imagine two straight guys interacting in that way, at all, ever. But hardly any couples carry on like that either. Maybe fangirls make Jensen nervous and going over to touch Jared was reassuring to him. Maybe Jared was upset and Jensen picked up on it and went to reassure Jared.
Now there is more, but its too long, i hope Jensen you made the right choices, and Jare well yeah be happy to! Cause if i look at it this way, this is planned by both Jared and Jensen
My thought right now is as hard as it is to make marriage work; how these two going to work out being in two countries working their jobs? They both will be filming not long from now; Jensen in Canada and Danneel in LA. It seems an odd tim to marry unless there are other reasons. OH and I posted those same pics on my blog; I hope they get some more out tomorrow LOL Thanks GB you were very gracious I am proud of you too. I wish them luck and happiness.
Ellen O
as I said, I find it incredibly assholish of Jensen. He just lost all of my respect, seriously. Just think about the fans buying their ticket to see the actors and then getting told that they are not going to see them anymore, since they had to CANCEL their appearance because Jensen's wedding would take place that weekend. And now it takes place THIS weekend, meaning he lied to them? WTF?!
On top of everything else...I'm done. Fuck it all, I'm done. I can't be a professional if THIS is their way to handle it.
@trinipedia sorry which event are you referring to? to my knowledge Jensen was never scheduled for any event in may, neither was Jared. Misha too didn't accept engagements for this weekend purposefully.
If i'm wrong and truly Jensen's cancelled something i'd like to know where
Hay you upstairs:) it must been wherry interesting con! But since no one of us been there pleas do tell all:) We wont gossip, we promise ;)
Jensen is doing this all for Jared, i think....the one lady up top, asked about the con, i asnt there, but a lady from a community, posted this and seeen it, at the autographs table, which is awesome! because people thet were there to seen it, to, and what i think is some people that are fans , dont know of this community, so if they did see that interaction, then we wouldnt know, cause they dont know if this place or maybe veen the about the gay rumors. So yeah i dont think to straight man does that, they have something, something special, i just dont know if they are doing each other or not, but whatever it is, it will soon come out, if not soo, then later.
If the marriages are for show and the boys are "in love", that's not only sad but selfish. Thats what I don't understand about closeted gay people in HW. Why can't they just keep their personal life "no comment", most people would respect that not pay attention to all the gossip stuff? Sure there would be speculation but all this cloak and dagger stuff (if that's truly what it is) would not be necessary. I mean a career in HW only lasts a decade at the most if you're lucky. And the women that put up with this are no more than highly paid prostitutes with no real future in HW. Is it really worth it for a fleeting moment of fame? Someone prettier or more handsome will always be waiting in the wings and then you're stuck with a wife or husband you never wanted. And if a child is involved can you imagine the child finding out he or she were conceived as part of a big Hollywood production, this is so 1950. If Jensen and the other guy are truly gay, they have no balls. So what good are they to anyone?
In the pic where the Js are together and the Other Wife is hanging onto the chair for dear life,
The facially-bearded man next to the new lawfully-wedded beard, uh, BRIDE, is the guys' SPN costar Misha Collins.
I *love* the expression on his face...it says it all.
Um, that is totally not Misha
I feel so bad for saying this but I hope Jensen finally comes clean about his love for Jared and eventually divorces Danneel. She is so wrong for him. I feel like she's only with him for attention. Who the hell knew of her until she got with Jensen?
Is it me, or does she have a different face/hairstyle every time we see her??! FAKEEE.
i dont buy into this whole j2 love/beard situation BUT i will say I have yet to see ONE picture of Jensen and Daneel Harris where their bodies are actually turned towards each other. or hell even HIS body turned towards hers. hes like a plank that she just hangs off of and its kinda uncomfortable to see. im not saying he needs to run off and have the sex with Jared but maybe he... would do better with ANYONE else. seriously... anyone.
I agree, Jensen seems have absolutely NO chemistry with Daneel. The way he and Jared look each other, that's passion!
To the writer of this post and to everyone who agrees with her:
It must be hard to be pathetic little fangirls, knowing that "the man of your dreams" won't ever even know you exist. But it's okay, isn't it?
Just keep on pretending that an actor's private life and his marriage are your business.
Jealous of his wife? That's understandable. I don't know any one of you (nor do I want to) but I know this: YOU are the ugly people here, not her.
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