On her life: "It’s insane! Once somebody finds out, you have to get the hell out of wherever you are. People freak out. And the photographers, they’re vicious. They’re mean. They’re like thugs. I don’t event want to drive around by myself anymore. It’s f*cking dangerous . . . Somebody knocked on my hotel room door and asked for a light, then said that they were a big fan. I was like, 'Do you really need me to light your cigarette? How do you know what room I’m in?' I can’t be by myself and I like being by myself."
On her award show demeanor: "I think it’s funny that when I go onstage to accept an award, they think I’m nervous, uncomfortable, and awkward — and I am — but those are bad words for them."
On her red carpet reputation: "People say that I’m miserable all the time. It’s not that I’m miserable, it’s just that somebody’s yelling at me . . . I literally, sometimes, have to keep myself from crying . . . It’s a physical reaction to the energy that’s thrown at you."
On people saying she doesn't care: "I hate it when they say I don’t give a sh*t, because nobody cares more than I do. I’m telling you I don’t know anybody who does this that gives a sh*t more than I do."
On her personal life: "I would never cheapen my relationships by talking about them. People say, 'Just say who you’re dating. Then people will stop being so ravenous about it.' It’s like, No they won’t! They’ll ask for specifics."
that was such a classy photo shoot and I love her interview...she proves once again that she's true to herself and doesn't follow the Hollywood click...good for her! ...and she's freakin' beautiful!
Part of me feels bad for her because she us SO under this microscope. I don't think that there'a any amount of preparation that can keep a person sane. She seems to be holding up to all of the criticism and scrutiny fine - hope it stays that way..
she's miserable in red carpet:she doesn't know to wear a dress(see MET gala)and she doesn't know to smile(even the over serious Christian Bale knows to smile)
...she needs to find a way of releasing the vice grip from her head before photo ops get her...i mean, if you don't want the public scrutenizing your "SLEEPY EYED LOOK", then partake after public appearances...yeesh!
I would think the red carpet is very overwhelming. It doesn't come naturally to everyone. I liked the interview. I look forward to watching her career unfold.
that was such a classy photo shoot and I love her interview...she proves once again that she's true to herself and doesn't follow the Hollywood click...good for her! ...and she's freakin' beautiful!
Part of me feels bad for her because she us SO under this microscope. I don't think that there'a any amount of preparation that can keep a person sane. She seems to be holding up to all of the criticism and scrutiny fine - hope it stays that way..
~~~unemployed chick
The interview snippets sound like she's exactly what I think she is: a whiny bitch.
she's miserable in red carpet:she doesn't know to wear a dress(see MET gala)and she doesn't know to smile(even the over serious Christian Bale knows to smile)
...she needs to find a way of releasing the vice grip from her head before photo ops get her...i mean, if you don't want the public scrutenizing your "SLEEPY EYED LOOK", then partake after public appearances...yeesh!
If she'd only smile at big events, I think the public would understand her sour face with the paparazzi. She has a great smile! But, I love KS.
I would think the red carpet is very overwhelming. It doesn't come naturally to everyone. I liked the interview. I look forward to watching her career unfold.
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