Romeo, not stupid at all, decided to give him another chance because he loved him and the Confused Charlie was easy on the eyes. But that all went downhill when the Romeo went to attend to business and left for a few days. The second his plane landed, he began getting text messages from friends reporting that Confused Charlie was already out and about. Romeo star then recieved a picture of his man and a girl making out heavily. The worst part was that in between Romeo guy getting the tattling texts, he was getting sweet text messages form his guy saying how much he missed him. So what did the movie star do? He forwarded the picture he received to his cheating boyfriend. And he hasn't heard from him since.
And Macbeth has been trying to show him the error of his ways for months and even confessed to wanting him back. But Romeo realizes that the only reason his ex is crawling back is because he knows that Romeo is about to hit it even bigger and wants to ride the wave with him.
After all the drama, Romeo is about to just go back to having a beard and living his life with her just because she never broke his heart.
I'm not even going to try to guess because I think I'd need to draw a flow chart or something just to get everyone, umm, straight.
I hope Romeo stops, takes a deep breath and figures out what will make him happy in the long run. He deserves it.
There, my $0.02.
Um, this isn't GB and McHottie, by any chance....
I think so too!
Who's GB and McHottie?
Gossip Boy and His boyfriend, well now ex. I love the picture he used!
aww luv if this is you im sorry your guy was a cunt!!! let me at him with a razor blade, salt n vinegar!! (sorry anti men atm must be the baba hormones!!) dont settle for this chick she sounds as much a user as ur ex!! marry gigi, she knows u, she loves you and best of all she wont treat u like shit!! u be nice to her :P xxx
Would GB really put this out there? McHottie must have pissed him off.
I hope Romeo finds a better boyfriend, but perhaps it's hard in cynical Hollywood. Better date someone who's not in the business?
Ahh, Romeo. Guys will break your heart. Girls will make you crazy. What can you do?
I like the idea of marrying Gigi - bff's are the way to go!
Could this possibly be Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols? The clues seem to fit
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