Donny DivaSmith is a well known actor who has spread his wings throughout Hollywood for years. He started out as a charmer to work with. Very polite and respectful, just like his mama raised him to be. And that is what got him the attention of the ladies on the sets.
Donny loved the ladies, but he had no idea how to work them. Talk about embarrassing, this poor guy once turned to ice when a stunning A list woman introduced herself. After that failure, a co-star of his took DDS under his playboy wing and schooled the actor on how to date in HW.
The plan backfired in my eyes because soon DDS became our generations Casanova, putting guys like
Colin Farrell to shame. DDS then realized he could have everything he wanted, exactly how he wanted it. His OCD seems to have kicked in because his friends say that he began demanding things on set be a certain way or else he walked off. One day he proved his point, holding up filming because his water was kept in a cooler directly with the ice instead of being stored in an air tight sealed bag to keep the "ice germs" from contaminating the bottle of water.
He has begun to demand that his conquests shower completely before they have sex and allow him to manicure their lawn. He feels that the germs could possibly hurt his award winning member. He recently tried that with a female
co-star,who laughed her ass of while she got dressed and left.
His current co-stars have had it with his ridiculous requests and time consuming rants that they have begun to tamper with his trailer. Hope he gets a new toothbrush soon. Then again, he is so clean, how dirty could his toilet have really been?
It's Not:
Alexander Skarsgard
Ryan Gosling
Ryan Reynolds