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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hump Day Humper

For those of you who thought I had forgotten to choose this week's Hump Day Humper, shame on you.  I never miss an opportunity to find a sexy guy that I want to get a humpin with.

This week we chose Ryan McPartlin from NBC's Chuck.  Not only does the man have a sexy lickable body, he also has the cute factor working for him.  Nothing worse than a hot body with a weird face. Did someone say Taylor Lautner?

Anyway, Sadly Ryan is not single nor gay.  He has been married to the same woman since 2002 and actually has a real marriage.  All I can say to her is: you're one lucky bitch.


Anonymous said...

...yummmm...yes, yes she is...

rog457 said...

Lets hear it for Captain Awesome. You're right he not only has a great body but is very very easy on the eyes.

Great pick for this weeks Hump Day Humper.

Unknown said...

love the photos! why can't i meet a guy like that around here?