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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jesse James Invites You To His Pity Party

Jesse James has been appearing all over the television lately, giving interviews to some of pretty reputable reporters.  His face has popped up all over the Internet under some headline which contains some sort of pain that he suffered as a child.  He has pretty much begun leading the pity parade, hoping that after you hear his turmoil you would forget that he couldn't keep his dick in his pants.

"I never got to be a kid," Jesse whined during an interview.  Jesse claims that his father allegedly abused him as a young child.  I am in no way saying that Jesse is dramatizing anything about the abuse.  I am calling him a coward for using that as a defense.

Life sucks, Jesse!  Shit happens and you have to learn how to deal with it.  You cannot say that you are who you are because of your past, you have to learn how to say you are who you are in spite of your shitty childhood.  You cannot let the past control you and when you wanna lash out whip it out as a defense.  Do you think that because you had bad shit happen to you that it evens out what you did to Sandy?

Your father may have beat you psychically, but you need to realize you did the exact same thing to Sandy.  You just didn't use your hands to do it.  I do not care how much you sob on television, how much you try to convince us that you are dealing with your past, nothing that you can do will ever make you the victim in this story.  Not only did you break a woman who has pure sunlight running through her veins, you broke up a family that you had both planned for before it even got off the ground.

Instead of explaining to America why you did what you did, take a page from you soon-to-be-ex wife's book.  Who the shit cares if we feel sorry for you more than her, we are not the ones that you claim you want to spend the rest of your life with.  Go to her, cry to her, because the only fluid I want to see come out of your body right now is blood from Sandra smacking the living fuck out of your dumbass.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong....I too am disgusted with Jesse because of how he hurt and embarraseed his family.....but c'mon.... enough is enough! They were a family and it's easy to be on the outside and demand for the family to be ripped apart....really.... let this man heal himself, he's human and we are ALL living in glass houses throwing stones, EVERYONE has effed up ROYALLY at one time or another! And it's not like he was Tiger selling us a wholesome image, he never said he was the picture of a perfect hubby or even claimed to be a role model. I give him credit for fessing up; having the courage to discuss his wicked behavior, in front of God and everybody; and trying to figure out where this self destructive behavior comes from..... a lot of ppl don't even get that far after they've effed up! He needed this to happen in order to face his real issues!

Anonymous said...

Spot on, GB, spot on! He should have a certain part of his antomy chopped off for even *trying* to use that as an excuse.

Callie said...

Yes he's a moron. Yes he screwed up majorly. Yes he should be smacked for using his childhood as an excuse for what a lousy thing he did. But come on, its over with and even this dumbass deserves a chance to move on and try to rebuild anew. Nobody is perfect and none of you can tell me you haven't made some dousies mistake-wise in your whole lives. I know I have.

Anonymous said...

Get real Anon #2...
No grown man or woman has ANY reason to use their "Childhood abuse" to hurt people they claim to love. I had horrible things happen to me as a have tens of thousands of others, deal with you issues without hurting others! As Michael K. so elegantly said about JJ "Cry me a river, then go drown yourself in it"

HerpDerp said...

I would have so much more respect for him if he just said: 'I fucked up, and I'm sorry. I couldn't keep my dick in my pants and there came a point where I cared more about banging an ugly slut than being faithful to my family. I'm not proud of it, I regret it, and I've learnt from it. I'm ready to behave and work on making it up to Sandra and the kids if they'll let me.'

Why is that so hard - being honest about what you did and just accepting the blame? When someone tries to garner pity you know they're not all that sorry; just sorry for getting caught.

Gabby said...

HAHAHAH absolutely LOVED this... especially the last paragraph!! And I couldn't agree more. What's funny about his "abuse" excuse is that everyone who knew him as a child is coming forward and saying that he wasn't abused, but he was a sick little fuck who liked to torture animals