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Friday, June 11, 2010

Is Breaking Dawn Worth Two Films?

I am a fan of the Twilight Saga, more of the books than the films but I love me some R. Patz.  I am as excited as the rest of the world for June 30th to arrive as well as for the final chapter of Breaking Dawn.  Breaking Dawn is the chapter that all fans are anxious for and Summit knows it.  Not only will Bella become a vampire in the installment, she also weds Edward and gives birth to their daughter.  But most fans are more excited for Edward to finally give Bella something that the horny teen has been waiting for, as well as most of us.

Breaking Dawn was a good book, thought Stephanie Mayer is not very good at writing the action scenes.  Makes sense considering that overall Twilight is a romance novel with a love triangle that survives until the end.  Summit, being the little company that could, has decided to make Breaking Dawn into 2 films.  I don't blame them at all, it's a cash cow.  But the problem I see arising is how they plan on breaking up the book.

Readers know that the book was split into 2 parts, one from Bella's point of view and one from Jacob's as he searched for himself.  Does Summit plan on releasing a Jacob installment that would make the team Jacob fans cream their skinny emo jeans?  Or are they just going to slice it in half and leave us hanging at a very inopportune moment?

There are rumors that the final film will be released in 3D and that also makes me irritated.  Although I revel in the idea of Edward lunging out of the movie screen and into my face, I just can't for the life of me figure why Summit thinks they need to do something different to the already popular franchise.

Summit stuck gold by complete accident and they know it.  The problem is that they are continuing to tweak it thinking that they can make it better and better but they might just end up staking it in the heart.  When you have gold, just be happy with it.  Don't try to turn it into something better.


Tania said...

I can't guess how they'd split it, and yes, it does seem greedy.
But maybe they should be more concerned about the overall plot.
*Spoiler warning*

Are the Twihards really going to want to see Bella covered in bruises after she & Mopey finally have Teh Sex, then literally torn apart in labour, then suffering torture as she vamps up? And then there's the super-speedy-growth of the telepathic kid. And the whole werewolf-imprinting-on-a-baby thing. Yikes.
Honestly, I suspect the thing might be unfilmable...

Anonymous said...

The thing that bothers me is how very Harry Potter I see this split thing becoming. Okay, first you have someone just mentioning that maybe it could be split. Which led to this whole 'Are they going to split it?' question people have been asking for months. Guess which question is next? That's right, the same 'Where are they going to split it?' question and related teasers that WB has been teasing Potter fans with for a year now. But I have read Breaking Dawn and there's no excuse for a split. There is a *lot* info that can be taken out. So, the point of this long- winded comment is that Summit is taking this oppritunity to be greedy.

Anonymous said...

Twinky Taylor can not carry a film. He obviously attended the Wentworth Miller School for Dramatic Arts.

The reason for splitting it is well known. Its a loooooong story and would have to be heavily edited to fit in one film. And the twitards probably cant focus on anything longer than a youtube anyway.

I personally dont think any of the films have been particulary good anyway and dont see how they can really "mess anything up".

I just want them to be OVER so all the twitards will go away.

Anonymous said...

Amen to nonnie 2:21. Terribly written books turned into even worse movies. Acting style is worse than the average high school production. I would think Summit was stupid if they DIDN'T make two films - why would you leave $1/2 billion on the table? And the Twitards have proven that they will pay money over and over to see the cast crap all over the screen. Just do a porn and get on with it!

Anonymous said...

twilight doesnt deserve to be a movie in the first place.

its a really crappy book.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for them to finish this crappy series and move on to better books!

Hawt said...

The next installment coming out is Eclipse, not Breaking Dawn.

Eclipse is already in IMAX format so taking Breaking Dawn a step farther to include 3D isn't much of a stretch from an executive point-of-view.

SPOILERS (Breaking Dawn)
Breaking Dawn part I would most likely begin and end with the gathering of the Volturi and the others. (With one or the other being one of Alice's visions perhaps?) That would promise the next movie would begin with the fight but most likely they will do as you surmise and lead-in with Jacob's viewpoint then build back up to the action scene. They could not possibly resolve the big action scene in the first part because they want to insure an audience for Part II and Team Jacob alone isn't enough, sorry.

oldcoach said...

They will probably end Part 1 with Bella awakening from childbirth having been turned by Edward. Just a closeup of her opening her eyes and they are bright red

Divide by Zero said...

"Stephanie Mayer is not very good at writing the action scenes."

Could have just stopped at "Stephanie Meyer is not very good at writing."

Please just let this whole series die and never come back.

Anonymous said...

"I just can't for the life of me figure why Summit thinks they need to do something different to the already popular franchise."

GB, you should know that! Its HW. They can charge like $5 more if its in 3D.

Anonymous said...

Egads, 2 more years of Twihards and their idiocy. Will the world survive?!! Lord help us all-


Anonymous said...

GB, you're a grown ass man (supposedly) who loves Twilight. You have more problems than just not coming out of the closet.

Anonymous said...

Twilight is not popular because Stephenie Meyer is a good author. She wrote a love story about teens, for teens, shamelessly stealing from Shakespeare and putting to paper what is (probably) her own personal fantasy. I can understand why Harry Potter was split - whilst The Deathly Hallows is not the longest book in the series, there are many, many plot points that get tied up in this book. I am intrigued to see how certain parts of the Deathly Hallows will work out as the Half Blood Prince movie (my least favourite so far) crapped all over a certain plot point that becomes very important in the final book. I suspect they won't split Breaking Dawn between Bella and Jacob as it is done in the book - they will probably cut out at one of the most tense moments in the book - such as *spoilers*
The birth of Edwards and Bella's child - not only will twihards want to see the kid, but Bella's life hangs in the balance. The name that the kid is given actually spoilt the whole series for me. Not that it was well-written in the first place, but naming that child what she did, Meyer removed any shred of credibility she may have had as an author. As for playing with 3D, I agree with GB - if Summit do things too over the top they might end up screwing what they have left of a money-spinning franchise. Instead of playing with formats, I think Summit needs to stop the blatant money grabbing, pump up the budgets for the films (for huge money spinners they have pathetic budgets), and take their time to make a decent movie.

Anonymous said...

Summit doesn't need to make a decent movie and they know it. The Twi-nuts will eat it up regardless and they'll see it 3 or 4 times and buy all the DVD's. I can't wait until Twilight is just a distant memory.........